
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Day 9...Loll's Twelve Tags of Christmas

Day Nine..Twelve Tags of Christmas with Loll and Friends.

You have until Nov 23rd to link your tags:-)

My Day Nine Tag!

I was inspired by Loll's Day 7 Tag.
Loll gave me this Gorgeous Die Cut Deer and Trees tag last Christmas:-)

Isn't Loll's Tag Stunning!

I changed the background and colored the deer with Zigs.

Loll die cut her deer scene with white paper and added a torn snowbank.

I added my die cut watercolored deer over the top of the Strathmore Mixed Media 
die cut deer family and tree scene and did not add a snow bank.  

For my background I used more of the SU Specialty Paper that I used on my 
Day 8 Peace on Earth Tag.

The dots on this sheet of the specialty paper reminded me of snowflakes 
even though they are a metallic copper color.

I stamped the Penny Black "Happy Holidays" sentiment on the smallest
Stitched Tag die and heat embossed in SU Copper EB powder.
Then attached small tag using SU White Twine to large tag. 
Next added SU mini dimensionals behind the small tag.

Then I added 20 year old SU white Organdy ribbon to the tag and Done!
I was pleased with how my bow turned out as I have not made a bow in!

You still have until the 23rd to link your tags to Loll's Twelve Tags of Christmas. 
Be sure and check out all the Stunning tags by Loll and her GD friends and
in the amazing gallery! Hugs and Happy Tag Creating!


  1. This is a beauty, Nancy! LOVE the elegance of the white and copper design. That specialty paper for your background is beautiful and you've added the perfect details. Thanks for the shout out, sweet friend! And thanks for playing along. xx

    1. Thank you dear friend for always inspiring me and your sweet comment. Hugs..Nancy

  2. Another stunner for sure Nancy!! LOVE that copper background paper and really need to go find my package of it!! And you tied a FABULOUS bow too! Lovely, lovely tag my friend!! :0)

  3. Such a pretty tag and the speciality paper looks great and loving the pretty copper dots/snow. Your tag is so beautiful and a great take on Loll's beautiful tag. Great 20 year old bow too Nancy X

  4. Another beauty, Nancy! Love how you've colored the deer!

    1. I do more coloring of die cuts, Bonnie...because of your recent challenge:-) Thank you for always inspiring me, my friend. Hugs..

  5. Yours and Loll's both are gorgeous, and your ribbon looks darn good for 20 years old! Ha, I know I have some supplies at least that old. Crazy, huh? Really beautiful, Nancy. Love the paper!

    1. It seems impossible, Leslie that we started stamping together 20 years ago:-) We sure have had fun with our creative hobby! I even almost heated and melted the ribbon, but decided best left alone. Hugs..Nancy

  6. Nancy, beautiful tag. I love the touch of colour on each of your Deer and the copper dot background is perfect. Your ribbon looks great for 20yrs old :)

  7. Love that copper dotted paper - so beautiful! It works perfectly with the way you coloured the deer. A great tag!

  8. I love all things metallic for Christmas, Nancy so your tag just caught my eye. The copper looks fabulous behind your deer family. You did a perfect job casing Loll yet making the tag your own and I sure do understand about bows, not particularly my forte.

  9. So pretty! Love the painted deer and the colours are wonderful!

  10. Wow Wow and more Wow Nancy, your tag is absolutely beautiful, I especially love the look of the copper and how you used it in your design.

  11. You are making incredible tags throughout this event to inspire us, Nancy! Thank you for all your hard work and creativity! This coppery dotted design is a real delight!! ❤Hugs, Dolly

  12. Fabulous tag, Nancy! I see inspiration by Loll in your tag but it's yours and in your style. You used another pretty piece of Specialty Paper. It does look like it's snowing and I love the copper dots. The matching copper heat-embossed sentiment on the mini tag is a great way to add a sentiment!
    Hugs.. Hideko

    The mini-tag is

    1. Thank you Hideko, I have been wanting to you use that cute tiny tag:-) Loving the Specialty paper! Hugs..Nancy

  13. I just love the look of the copper against the fresh white Nancy! xx

  14. Two stunning tags! Love the shine and glimmer!


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy