
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

NBUS #8 Blog Birthaversary!

Darnell has so much to Celebrate...You must check out her NBUS #8 Blogaversary!

Darnell is celebrating her and Mister's 46th Anniversary and her awesome djkardkreations: Blog 5th Birthday!  Also Darnell has a new header to celebrate her 5th year entertaining and inspiring all of us :-)

There are prizes and 3 a week for 3 weeks.  Be sure and read all the rules.  #8 is all about using Kraft CS and colored pencils and of course NBUS (never-before-used-schtuff).   There are even more rules,  so be sure and read all for this fun challenge.

Here is my NBUS Kraft and Prismacolor Pencils Card...

NBUS: Altenew "Doodle Blooms"...a Christmas gift from my special friend Loll (Stamping with Loll).  Thank you again my friend!  Also SU "Sunshine Sayings" sentiment.

NBUS: SU Washi Tape and SSS sequins.

I heat embossed my leaves and flowers and fussy cut my shaped flowers and attached with dimensional tape.  I used my Signo uni-ball pen to draw the white stitching.  I stamped my sentiment with Archival Black ink using my MISTI...of course.  Who wants crooked sentiments!  To add a bit of bling I added the sequins and Wink of Stella to the leaves and flowers.  I attached card front to base using foam tape.

The fun part was coloring the leaves and flowers with Prismacolor pencils and blending with  Gamsol (odorless mineral spirits) using paper stumps.  It was my 1st time to try the technique !!!  Another NBUS :-)

I found this very helpful video on Shari Carroll for Hero Arts.
Here is another awesome video by Dina Kowal Colored Pencil Blending. My friend Susan shared this video and I like it the best.  More thorough!

That's It.  Fun and Easy 4 1/4" x 4 1/4" card.  I am so happy the way it turned out. Thank you again Darnell for an awesome NBUS challenge with 2 more to look forward to soon!  This challenge ends on Jan. 23rd,   so more time to join the fun.  Hugs...

P.S.  I would love any of your wonderful prizes except MISTI..I have my own..a must have tool!

Stamps: Altenew "Doodle Blooms" and SU "Sunshine Sayings".  Paper: Crumb Cake. Inks: Archival Black, SU Craft Whisper White pigment ink.  Accessories: SU White EB powder, Heat tool,  Washi Tape, dimensionals and Fine Tip Glue Pen for attaching sequins. SSS moonshine sequins and Signo uni-ball pen for stitching.


  1. Your card is so pretty, Nancy! Great job with using the prisma pencils and gamsol. The blending is awesome!! I need to buy some ... and the paper stumps that are on my wish list. More enabling from you!! :) That stamp set is so fun ... might have to get that too. You are putting a big dent in my wallet, my friend. :) xx

    1. Only fair...since I have a large dent in my wallet because of you my friend :-) Hugs...

  2. Cute pretty card Nancy, beautiful colouring and blending, love the faux stitching as well : )

  3. Oh it's beautiful ... I've never coloured with pencils but aim to put it on my 'to do' list!

  4. how pretty have inspired us all!
    xx Karen

  5. Wow, Nancy! These blooms are so pretty! Love this card, my friend!

  6. So cute, Nancy! Love the doodle flowers. The pencils are fun, aren't they? And so easy, really. Love the white embossing.

  7. Such pretty flowers in great colours! Love coloured pencil on kraft with white embossing!

  8. It always seems like magic to me how using gamsol on colored pencils not only helps them blend, but makes the colors more vivid! I've never tried using white heat embossing with colored pencils before--it looks spectacular. You always choose just the right combination of media.

  9. Nancy, this is so crisp and neat looking! Love your coloring with pencils! Thanks for the links too! I'll have to check them out. Gorgeous card!

  10. great shading with the prisma coloured pencils, and love the white stitch line round the edge

  11. Haha, I love how you and Lolly are bickering like an old married couple talking about the budget! We do have fun inspiring and enabling each other, that's for sure! Nancy, wow, this cp/k card is really a standout! THIS is an example of why I have always wanted to try this technique! And having your whimsical blossoms popped up and adding the white stitching is sheer genius! Thank you for the links. I need to try the stumps and Gamsol next, so now YOU have inspired me!! Thank you for your kind words and, of course, thank you so much for playing in my NBUS Challenge #8! Hugs, Darnell

    1. Thank you so much Darnell for having the most fun NBUS challenges :-) You really make us put on our creative thinking caps my friend. Hugs..

  12. Nancy, this is such a pretty card! I love the CAS feel to it, but of course it's never simple to put these cards together, all the elements go together so well. Love those pretty Altenew blooms, I may need to buy them..... Lisa

  13. An excellent idea to add volume to the card. These flowers look amazing. I love the way you are feeling stressed taping washi tape

  14. Oh how pretty! Lucky you to be so close to Our Loll - she's so kind & generous. You've done Loll proud with the way you've used the set, and I love the transparent look you've achieved with the coloring on the blooms. The white trimmings made the colors just pop. Lovely even 'stitches' on the edge of the card too! So beautiful. TFS & Hgus

  15. Very pretty, Nancy. Your coloring - looks nice and buttery too. Fun, fun, fun.

    1. Thanks Maria for your comment. I have not seen my card for a long time. Makes me want to make another. Loved your recent card too. Hugs..


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy