
Thursday, January 19, 2017

My 2nd NBUS #8 Card

I am Hooked on Darnell's NBUS #8 Blogaversary Challenge using Kraft CS and Color Pencils and of course Never Before Used Schtuff!

Darnell is celebrating her and Mister's 46th Anniversary and her awesome djkardkreations: Blog 5th Birthday!  Also Darnell has a new header to celebrate her 5th year entertaining and inspiring all of us :-)

There are prizes and 3 a week for 3 weeks.  Be sure and read all the rules.  #8 is all about using Kraft CS and colored pencils and of course NBUS (never-before-used-schtuff).   There are even more rules,  so be sure and read all for this fun challenge.

Here is my NBUS Kraft and Prismacolor Pencils Card...

I got braver coloring this card than on my 1st card , where I used smaller images to color with my pencils and gamsol.

Yesterday I received in the mail my STAMPlorations "Good Books and Coffee" set, which had this fun coffee and books image and 4 sentiments.  I cheated and went to Shery's STAMPlorations blog site to look for colored samples of this set.  I loved the 5 card set that Becca (The Damsel of Distressed) made using this fun book and coffee set.  She did not use pencils to color,  but I loved her shading,  so I CASE'd her shading design using Prismacolor Pencils and blending my colors with Gamsol (odorless mineral spirits) using paper stumps.

Since this is a technique I had not used in years I went searching for videos when I made my 1st card. I am sharing the video I found and another that my friend Susan found.  Bonnie found an interesting Prismacolor Chat Thread on Splitcoaststampers forum that has info on papers to use and more.

You Tube Videos...
Colored Pencil Blending by Dina Kowal
Colored Pencil Coloring with mineral spirits by Shari Carroll

After stamping and heat embossing my main image I colored with my pencils and gamsol and then fussy cut.  I then die cut my card front and stamped the sentiment using my MISTI.  I popped up my card front and coffee and book image with 3M foam tape.

I felt my card front needed more so I used my pencils to color the running stitched border.  Then I was happy.  Enjoy and have a cup of coffee or tea with a good book!  Hugs....

P.S.  I would love any of your prizes...except the MISTI...I have one...a must have tool!

My card is for STAMPlorations Anything Goes Challenge too.

And...STAMPlorations CAS Challenge: optional twist Silver or pages have Gray

And STAMPlortions January 2017 Theme and Sketch Challenge

STAMPS: STAMPlorations Good Books & Coffee.  Paper: SU Crumb Cake.  Inks: Black Archival Ink.  Versafine Pigment Ink.  Accessories: Prismacolor Pencils, Gamsol, Stumps and sanding block. SU Black EB powder, heat tool and papersnips. Foam tape. STAMPlorations "Crazy Double Running Stitch Rectangle Nesting Dies."


  1. That stamp is just perfect, although for me I prefer tea! Love your colouring.

    1. I am a tea drinker too Lindy, but I have friends and family that are coffee drinkers. Thanks for your comment. Hugs.

  2. Beautiful coloring with the pencils on the kraft Nancy. WOW.

  3. A great colouring on kraft card Nancy, love the sentiment, mine exactly : )

  4. Fabulous image and sentiment, Nancy. You did a great job with the colouring on kraft, lovely shading and touches of white. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hello Nancy!
    Great card! I love the beautiful color mixing. I do not know Gamsol not even know if you can buy it in Poland ... :-) But wonderfully mixed colors of crayons. I really like how you've added a dimension to the card using additional central panel. Excellent card.

    1. BozenA, You maybe able to find Gamsol under a different name...odorless mineral spirits. Also if you watch Dina's video she shows several different ways to blend pencils. It is well worth your time to watch. Happy Stamping my Polish friend :-) Hugs...

  6. Great neutral colours all side by side. This is adorable, perfect for my man :D
    Good job!

  7. I'm with you, Nancy - a tea drinker all the way. But I love your card anyway - nothing like a pile of books and a mug of tea to while away the afternoon! Great colouring - this would make a perfect masculine card!

    1. This may end up as a surprise card for Denny. We both love to read, but he really, really reads! Also he has a mug of mocha in the a.m. and the rest of the day....tea! Hugs....

  8. Nancy, your coloring is exceptional on this! Love the highlights on those books. Fantastic job with that great image!

  9. Amazing shading and coloring, my friend! I love the color on the border that finishes this off perfectly!

  10. Nancy, I have a different book stamp so might have to case this soon. Love the colouring and now I think I have to buy some gamsol rather than blender pens.

  11. This is awesome!! Great images and I love your colouring and shading. The mug and books look 3-D. Fantastic card, my friend! xx

  12. Oh my this is stunning... I love your colouring!

  13. That's me! Reading books and drinking coffee. Well, maybe not too much coffee or else I'd not be able to sit still and read books. You're doing great with the coloring on kraft. That seems to be a nice kraft paper, too.

  14. This is a fun card. Nice to share the YouTube videos.

  15. Great shading, Nancy! I'll have to try Gamsol.

  16. Thanks for playing again, Nancy! This is a wonderful image for coloring with pencils on kraft and I'll bet anything you have now started a trend of people adding color along the stitched borders for more interest! Genius!! (Thanks, too, for the links!) Hugs, Darnell

  17. Great card and a fabulous image. The sentiment is so true.

  18. awesome card the texture and shadows you gave to the overall look...well done.

  19. What a great card with the blending coloring technique. Love the books and cup :) Thanks for playing along with STAMPlorations Theme and Sketch Challenge this month!

  20. I got a small set of Prismacolor pencils as a Christmas gift and am a book/coffee lover so this card sure caught my eye. Thank you for the videos -- the Dina Kowal one is so good. The stamp is out of stock at Stamplorations so will check back on getting it later. Using your first Prismacolor Pencils flower card as guide to jump in with trying the pencils.

  21. Such a great color combo--I think it could be used for both women and men. I agree that outlining your crazy stitched edge is just the color pop it needed to tie the whole card together.

  22. Books and coffee are a great combination! Loved your coloring! Thank you so much for playing along with us at STAMPlorations this month! :)
    Suchi- DT xx

  23. Great coloring on kraft! Thank you for sharing at STAMPlorations Challenge.


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy