
Monday, August 28, 2023

Group of Seven Ink Blending 2 with Color Lifting

Ink Blending 2 with Color Lifting Technique.

Click on the link above for all the details for the technique.
Kristina Werner's Videos were Very Helpful.  

P.S.  I replaced photo using the Correct Color Balance..Now it looks Great:-)
Also  I made a 2nd card that I will be posting soon,  which I left the blended
background sit overnight and...Voila'  No Sticking of EB Powder!!!

I used "Fluid 100" Hot Press 100% Cotton 140#  8"x 8" pad watercolor paper
that I get from our local art store for my ink blending.

I cut several 3" x 4" sizes to use for ink blended backgrounds.
Now that I have done one background and it turned out using Kristina's
ink blending technique,  I will make more:-)

I used my TH blending sponges on the handles.
The trick really seems to be to use LOTS of Ink!!!
Other words..copy Kristina's technique:-)

I used DOX Mustard Seed,  Spiced Marmalade and Fired that order.
I am going to try getting a truer photo color in the daylight..
it is much lighter and prettier IRL.

Next..dry the blended inks with heat tool..Important  Step!
I didn't because it was time to fix dinner...that will be enough drying time..
Used "The Rabbit Hole Designs" powder over the entire blended colors.
Then stamped in MISTI the Altenew "Leaf Canopy" leaves using Versamark.

Removed from MISTI and sprinkled with "Wow" Opaque Bright White EB Powder.

Uh Oh...lots of the powder stuck to the inked background..I mean LOTS

Glad I have a steady hand...I very carefully removed the excess EB powder with
a #1 paint brush...Whew...It worked..

Heat embossed the leaves and then the next fun step..Color Lifting:-)

I lifted some of the ink inside the leaves using a #1 watercolor brush and water and then 
pressed the inside of the leaves with a paper towel...I did one leaf at a time.

I LOVED the Ethereal Effect!

I added two layers of die cut CUTplorations "Everyday Sentiments Phrase Dies"
Happy Birthday sentiment using Connect Glue and attached to image.

Next used Poppy Stamps Die Cut "Whittle Birds" that I came home with
after a fun play day with my friend Leslie "Running with Scissors" 
Thanks again Leslie...they are so cute and I did not even need to color:-)

I added my brand new Never Before Used Awesome Spellbinders
3D "Leafy" EB Folder using Neenah white paper for a textured leafy background.
Attached to Neenah Solar White Crest Smooth Paper cardbase and

I Loved the technique and can't wait to make more cards to
add to our Group of Seven Cardmakers blog Linky!

Hope you play along and share your cards with all our GO7 Cardmakers:-) 

Love and Hugs,

Stamps: Altenew "Leaf Canopy"
Paper:"Fluid 100" Hot Press. Neenah Solar White Crest Smooth Paper.
Inks:  DOX Mustard Seed,  Spiced Marmalade and Fired Brick.. Versamark.
Accessories: STAMPlorations "Everyday Sentiments Phrase Dies".  Poppy Stamps Die Cut "Whittle Birds".  Spellbinders 3D "Leafy" EB Folder. #1 paintbrush. water and paper towel. Connect Glue

Sending my card over to 

NBUS #53 Challenge used Spellbinders 3D "Leafy" EB Folder for the 1st time:-)


  1. I love the colors you used, Nancy, and I'm so glad you were able to keep your hand steady and save this beauty! I love the leaf image you used and how you added the birds and added the panel to an embossed background! Beautiful! And thank you for inspiring everyone at NBUS! Hugs, Dolly

  2. I had issues with the EP sticking as well! Ended up just letting the panel dry overnight and then embossing - and Bonnie embossed the image before blending the ink - so I might try that as well! Lovely colors blended on your panel Nancy - wonderful texture added with your white embossed back panel and sweet die cut birds and sentiment added with your lifted stamping! Julia xx

  3. gorgeous Nancy and so beautifully framed with your dry embossed background. I ended up leaving my panel to dry overnight because I was busy. It dried perfectly and almost no sticking of excess powder so I'll be doing that again in the future xx

  4. The blended colours make a gorgeous sunset behind your pretty bird, Nancy! Yep, trying to get a good impression with embossing powder with no strays is definitely a challenge. Great job! Love, Lolly

  5. Such pretty colors and smooth blending, Nancy! I am in awe of your steady hand, my friend! Not a speck out of place and your leaves made a perfect perch for the Whittle birds! They always make me smile.

  6. Lovely ink blending with beautiful colours! Adorable little birds and a great embossing folder for the background.

  7. A great card, Nancy. The birds are the sweetest perched on those leaves. Your colors are beautifully blended and look so "fallish". The leafy embossed panel looks perfect for this.

  8. Love those DOX inks for blending like this! Such a pretty color combo, and the technique is very cool and fun. It's good to see those darling Whittle Birds today, too! It does take forever for heavy layers of ink to dry. I've been caught a few times, but good that you were able to remove each fleck before heating. I know you're going to enjoy playing with this technique a lot!

    1. Thank you, my friend. I did make another card, but have not posted yet. I have to share...I let the blended background using DOX inks sit overnight...I had NO issues with the EB Powder Sticking:-) I will do that from now on!!! Love and Hugs...Nancy

  9. So happy you figured you had the wrong setting for your camera. These colours now show true and they are FABULOUS together! LOVE this card, my friend. xx

    1. I Loved them too:-) TFS and moving my edited card to our GO7 Blog:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy

  10. This is stunning, Nancy!
    You did a great job of both blending and lifting inks! The embossed background sets off the blended panel. Love the dimension of the die-cut sentiment, and the pretty bird die-cuts too!
    Thanks for sharing your learnings! I'll make sure to dry the ink-blended panel overnight when I try out this technique. Hugs.. Hideko

    1. It is so much fun sharing new techniques and the do's and don'ts :-) TFS your sweet comment, my friend. Can't wait to see your card:-) Love and Hugs..


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy