
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

CAS Mix Up February 2022 Challenge Faux Cloisonne

CAS Mix Up has a Fabulous Challenge this month hosted by our very talented Susan.
You will be inspired by our awesome DT.  No Guest Designer this month.

Susan's Message
For my challenge I would like you to recycle glossy Magazines, Advertising material or you could use Designer Paper that has been hiding in your stash.  Most cards I have seen are embossed with Gold embossing powder but you could use other colours too.  

Video Tutorials: 

My CAS Mixed Media Card using Faux Cloisonne Technique, die cuts, stamping and 
heat embossing.

OMG...I am loving the Faux Cloisonne technique...thank you Susan for the awesome challenge!
Susan's tutorials were very helpful...although I did my own twist on the technique.

I chose a plant and seeds catalog with beautiful photos on glossy paper.
I chose several photos and ended up using a photo of herbs, which I die cut with
the smaller Altenew Leaf Canopy Die and set aside.

 I also saved a photo of sunflowers,  which I cut with scissors and attached  
under a die cut Spellbinder Hemstitch Square and die cut the square with SSS
Postage Stamp Edge Frames.

Next die cut a rectangle from the Postage Stamp Edge Frames.
Die cut the square frame into the rectangle and inlayed the square die cut piece.
I love how the Sunflower photo colors showed through.

Next die cut 2 layers of the leaves using black cardstock and stacked
using Connect Glue.  Next added the glue to the top layer of the black stacked leaves.
Then carefully attached the die cut glossy leaves and let dry.

I then stamped the Altenew Leaf Canopy sentiment 
using Archival Jet Black Ink and MISTI.
Next used Connect Glue to attached leaf image and layered main image to 
SU Basic White 100# cardbase .

After creating my CAS Mix Up card
I realized I missed one very important step on my card...Oh dear!

I forgot the heat embossing with Gold!!!
The next day after putting on my "thinking cap"...I realized I could finish my card

I very carefully used my Versamark Pen and drew around the leaves
and heat embossed with Ranger Princess Gold EB Powder. 
Hurray...It worked Great!  

So we can now add die cutting glossy paper and heat embossing with a Versamark Pen
and Embossing Powder as another Faux Cloisonne Technique:-)

We would love to have you join our fun at CAS Mix UP this month. 
You have until the 24th to play along.
Remember to keep your design Clean and Simple!
Love and Hugs, 

If you would like to subscribe by email,
please fill out the subscription form in the upper right sidebar.
It is also important to add to your contact list
so Google recognizes the address and delivers the updates.

Stamps: Altenew Leaf Canopy (sentiment)
Paper: SU Basic White 100#.  Glossy Catalog Paper. SU Basic Black CS.
Inks: Archival Jet Black.  Versamark Pen ink.
Accessories: Altenew Canopy Die Cut.  Spellbinders Square Hemstitch Die Cut. SSS Postage
Stamp Edge Frames.  Connect favorite glue for die cuts!  


  1. What fabulous inspiration Nancy and I loved your post to how you achieved your unique, creative and beautiful card.....Thank you x.

  2. Your card is gorgeous, I love how you achieved the enamel look with your embossing pen. I found this one quite a challenge, but you have definitely nailed it xx

  3. Beautiful card, Nancy! Love the twist you put on the faux cloisonne! Also love those postage stamp dies - great layering.

  4. What a gorgeous card Nancy! I think you've hit on a great new technique too because using the versamark pen to outline the flowers before heat embossing has created a really authentic cloisonne look! The herb photo was a great choice as it looks almost jewel-like. Thanks for the inspiration - I can't wait to join in with this challenge! Sending hugs, Vicky x

  5. Gorgeous card! I'm in awe that you hand traced with a Versamarker and were able to emboss after it was cut! What a steady hand you have not to mention a Versamarker that did not dry up in a week! Thanks for the details describing how you created this!

  6. The lovely card reflects the fun you had with this technique. Your cloisonne image looks amazing with your hemstitched frame to enhance it. Adore those postage layers, as well. Such a great card.

  7. Such elegant leaves, Nancy! The embossed edges are amazing! You had a steady hand with that embossing pen and it worked beautifully!

  8. the colours are wonderful. I'm loving seeing this technique and will definitely have to give it a go :)

    1. We would Love to have you join the fun technique, Christine. Love and Hugs, Nancy

  9. Nancy, so thrilled you enjoyed this month's technique and even more impressed with the way you achieved the Faux Cloisonné after assembling your card.

    1. I was relieved that my Versamark pen was still juicy:-) Loving your faux cloisonne challenge and all the Gorgeous cards by our DT:-) Thank you again, Susan for keeping us creatively challenge. LOVED your Gorgeous card too! Love and Hugs..Nancy

  10. So beautiful, and beautifully CAS!

  11. What a stunning Faux Cloisonne card, Nancy! I love everything about this card - the beautiful leaves, the unique double postage stamp panels, the pretty various colors peeking through the holes of the hemstitch frame, the well-balanced layout, and all the beautiful white space! Thank you so much for your inspiration! I'd love to join this fun challenge! Hugs.. Hideko xx

    1. I so hope you can play along, my friend. You would LOVE faux cloisonne:-) Thank you for your sweet always notice all the detaile:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy

  12. BEAUTIFUL work and technique Nancy!

  13. I remember this technique from SCS and always thought it was so beautiful... and easy! Brilliant to use a garden catalog and leaf die. Thank goodness for the Versamark pen. Your card really is gorgeous!

    1. I think I made a card for the SCS technique...a Long time ago:-) Isn't our sunshine just wonderful, my friend:-) Talk soon...Love and Hugs and TFS your sweet comment...would love it if you had a chance to play along.

  14. This is so pretty, Nancy, and well done putting your thinking cap on and adding the gold! I may steal your idea of using a seeds packet, if there is nothing to use in Kevin's news magazines. I think it's brilliant! Hugs, Dolly

    1. TFS your sweet comment, my dear friend. I actually used a seed catalog...I even found some cool possible photos in outdoor clothing looking for ideas. Loving this cool faux cloisonne technique challenge:-) Love and hugs..Nancy

  15. Very pretty, Nancy! I like the cloisonne leaves and double postage frame you put them on!

  16. Your leaves are beautiful Nancy - great idea to use a gardening catalogue for them - beautiful framings around them too! xx

  17. Such the perfect pattern for this cluster of gold embossed leaves. Beautifully done, love it xxx

  18. So beautiful, Nancy! These leaves look like jade jewelry pieces… like a brooch maybe? So clever of you to use seed packets instead. Fabulous design to highlight them, too.

  19. Perfect magazine image for your beautiful leafy branch, Nancy! The colours are fantastic and so are your finishing touches. LOVE the outline of gold ... very clever way to add the gold to your cloisonne. And LOVE the image framed with hemstitch lined with more gold. Beautiful!! xx

    1. TFS your sweet comment, my dear friend. I am LOVING this really cool and artsy challenge:-) Love and Hugs..Nancy

  20. Using the leaves for the leaves made perfect sense and a great focal point for your well desiged card, Nancy.

  21. What a perfect choice you made for the plants! I love this Nancy and though I haven't been able to try it I am enjoying seeing the results from everyone.

  22. WOW! You've nailed the challenge perfectly Nancy. Love the chopice of paper for your leaves, the die cut frame looks fab with the colours showing through and what a clever way of adding the gold embossing ..... I love it!!


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy