
Saturday, January 1, 2022

CAS Mix Up (WC) Loose Watercolouring Challenge

Our CAS Mix Up 2022 Challenges have begun!!
You will be inspired by our very talented Guest Designer Karen 
(Random Reflections) and our awesome
CAS Design Team Girls!

We would love to have you start your year and ours by joining in the fun:-)
You have until the 24th to play along.  

Jenny's Message
I often hear people say they "can't do Watercolour", but when it comes to card-making I think it can be done in a loose and sketchy way, which looks modern and artsy, but doesn't require much skill. I've provided some links to videos and picture tutorials to inspire you to give it a go!

Video Tutorials:

Here is my Loosely Watercolored card...Enjoy!

Here is the Close up showing the gold heat embossed shine.
But I was unable to capture the Lindy's Magicals shine.

I began my Loose Watercolouring adventure by watching ALL the videos and photo 
tutorials provided by our host Jenny.  I decided to stamp onto Strathmore
Mixed Media paper the STAMPlorations In Bloom: Darling Dog Roses image using 
Versamark and MISTI.  Then heat emboss with Ranger Princess Gold EB Powder.  
This powder has become my go to Gold EB is true yellow gold!

Then the fun began using the wet on wet watercolor technique and a #8 and then a
#4 watercolor brushes.  I used the larger brush to wet the image with water then started
adding my reconstituted Lindy's Magicals powdered inks using the #4 brush. I spritzed a little water over a small amount of powdered Magicals onto the white section of my glass mat.  The powder is very pigmented so do not overdo the powder. I keep my powder in "small paint cup with lids" that I poked a hole into top and add a thumb tack into hole when not in use. You can find on Amazon.

Tip: Be sure and shake the containers to mix up the fine glitter each time you use them.

I used 7 different colors of Magicals.  I kept adding the Magicals watercolors and let them 
blend together using a wet #4 brush. Letting the colors dry between layers.  So much fun!

I let the image dry overnight and then I die cut the blooms with CUTplorations Basic A2
Panels Nesting Dies.  Next used same Dies to cut the Gold Foil CS and 
Strathmore MM 184# Black paper framing layers.

Stamped the Penny Black 30-574  Special Sentiments and fussy cut with papersnips
and attached to Strathmore MM 184# card base so all the whites would match:-)

I really had fun with the Loose Watercolouring technique and
I hope you will join in the fun.  I do LOVE trying New Techniques. 
  Love and Hugs...

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please fill out the subscription form in the upper right sidebar.
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so Google recognizes the address and delivers the updates.

Stamps: STAMPlorations In Bloom: Darling Dog Roses.  Penny Black Special Sentiments.
Paper: Strathmore Mixed Media White and Black paper.  SU Gold Foil.
Inks: Versamark.  Lindy's Magicals. 
Accessories: MISTI. Ranger Princess Gold EB Powder. CUTplorations A2 Basic Panels Nesting Dies.


  1. Such beautiful colours and amazing shine, what a great card to start the new year xx

  2. Those magicals are amazing! I've never seen them in action, but the colors are so beautiful! It's a fabulous card!

  3. Unbelievably Gorgeous with your rich, saturated color. You did a beautiful job on this Nancy! It caught my eye right away!

  4. Beautiful! Love the gold embossing and the intense colours. Great watercolouring. Thanks for the tip about shaking up the Magicals each time - I'd noticed some of mine were no longer as sparkly!

  5. Thank you. Susan..I was very pleased with my card too:-) I love learning new techniques via CAS Mix Up...our DT girls come up with the coolest challenges:-) Happy Healthy New Year, my friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  6. Your flowers are so pretty, Nancy! I love the bright colors even without the camera catching the shimmer! And the gold embossing makes these flowers even prettier! Happy New Year, my friend!

  7. Thank you sweet friend. Happy New Year to you and the family too. I am loving all the beautiful Loose Watercoloring cards by our DT:-) Love and Hugs...

  8. So many beautiful colours, enhanced by the gold! Stunning card! Wishing you a very Happy New Year Nancy:)

  9. Happy New Year, Nancy! what a gorgeous way to start a new year of card-making! I think your use of those Magicals is always magical - and I love the Princess gold!

  10. I love the magical blend of colors on your flowers, Nancy. The gold embossing gives an elegant feel to your beautiful card.

  11. Oh Nancy this is just stunning and you picked a perfect STAMPlorations stamp to feature. Of course it is near impossable to get the beauty of the magical's in a photo and I know how awesome it would be irl. When I saw this challenge my first thought was an In Bloom stamp so keep your eye out as I am going to have a play with one of mine - and maybe use some magicals too. I will give credit to you for being my enabler on this. Love the layers too.

    1. You are so sweet Ina. I can't wait to see what you do with this awesome challenge and a STAMPlorations In Bloom stamp:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy

  12. Love the wet on wet technique for your loose watercolouring, Nancy. The colours are so beautiful together. Love the gold and black framing. Great work!! xx

    1. I only use Ranger Princess Gold EB Powder as my go to Gold because of you, my dear creative friend. I am loving our 1st CAS Mix Up 2022 Loose Watercolouring Challenge:-) Beautiful cards by our DT, GD and followers:-)

  13. Wow love that bright colour combo with your gold embossing. Stunning card ♥

  14. Happy New Year Nancy!
    WOW! This looks so beautiful...... love the gold embossing and those colours look amazing. Great job! xx

  15. Ohhh, I know how gorgeous those Lindy's look for real. Fabulously gorgeous stamp and these colors are exquisite. Love the gold embossing, too. I've been kinda hooked on it lately. So beautiful, Nancy!

  16. I bet this card looks amazing in real life because it looks terrific in your photos. Those colors enhanced by the gold embossing are so impressive. Love the way you mounted it with gold and black. Very sophisticated.

  17. Happy New Year Nancy!
    Love the drama in this really striking card with its gold embossing and those lush colours. Fab make. x

  18. Wow, these flowers are fantastic, Nancy! Love the shine of the princess gold heat-embossing, the gorgeous Magicals' colors, and the beautiful shimmer of the paint (I can easily imagine)! The gold and black layered frames are perfect to show off the vibrant watercolors! Love this card, my friend!
    Thank you so much for sharing a lot of tips in the descriptions too. Hugs.. Hideko

    1. Thank you my sweet friend for your thoughtful comment. This has been a fun and creative new to me watercolor technique:-) I hope you get to play along too. I LOVED your CAS Christmas Card Gold and Silver Challenge Card too. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  19. Happy New Year Nancy! Love the bright magical colours paired with the Gold embossing, such a beautiful design.

  20. Your loose watercolouring is a work of art! I love it! Thsks so much for all your lovely comments ... Happy New Year!

  21. The princess gold embossing powder looks so pretty and I know how wonderful the Magicals are so I can imagine just how amazing this card is Nancy x. A real stunner and thank you for the fabulous inspiration x.

  22. Wow, wow, wow Nancy! My jaw just dropped! This is such a special card and I just love the colours with the gold embossing. Vicky x

  23. totally beautiful....I just did a card the other day using some watercolouring that I haven't done in forever.
    xx Karen


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy