
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

My Subscribers are very special

This is a special post because I appreciate All my Blog Email Subscribers😀

I finally made the decision and with my dear friend, Loll's help I have decided to manage my Email Subscribers on my own.  I will be deleting all my Feed Burner Email Subscribers in the near future and will be starting all over with a new list of crafty friends,  who would like to be notified of my new Blog Posts.

All you have to do is fill out the New Subscribe by Email Form at the top right side of sidebar.
How did I get the Form?
I went to my Blogger,  clicked on Gadget, clicked on Contact Form and then changed title to 
Subscribe by Email and clicked on Submit.  

Then I will add you to my Email Subscription List.
 Whenever I add a new post I will send out one email to all my subscribers:-)
Your name only will be on the email with the others hidden via Bcc.

It is also important to add to your contact list so
 Google recognizes the address and delivers the updates.

My card is meant as a thank you for all my special Email Subscribers.
I treasure your support,  kindness and comments, dear friends.

I created my QCAS (Quick Clean and Simple) card with one of the Alcohol Inks on Yupo backgrounds that I created a few days ago.  I was inspired by our dear friend, Karen (Snippets),  who shared a photo Tutorial on Yupo and Alcohol Inks using a Salad Spinner:-)  Be sure and check out her blog!

I only had a small salad spinner so die cut small rectangles and circles for future projects:-)  The spinner is now designated to my craft room!  I cleaned it with warm soapy water and the alcohol,  but still not spotless.  Karen got her larger spinner from the $ store!

The sentiments are from STAMPlorations Bloomin' Coffee and You.

You,  Are All Very Special!   I so appreciates your visits and comments.
Feel free to ask any questions about the new email subscriptions,  my friends.  I am still learning too.   Love and Hugs...


  1. LOVE this card Nancy! The salad spinner makes an amazing background with alcohol inks. So very cool! LOVE the colours (of course, my favs!). Awesome layout with the black tilted panel which adds so much contrast to your bright AI panel. I'm heading to fill out the subscribers form ... Love, Lolly

  2. Wow at your amazing dynamic card Nancy and what a sweet sentiment behind it.
    I have also been thinking about what to do about losing Blogger's 'subscribe by email' feature :/ I shall definitely be subscribing to your lovely blog which never fails to inspire me AND cheer me up! Hugs, Vicky x

  3. I've subscribed to your blog - thanks for sending this out!

    Love your card - such gorgeous vibrant colours!!! I agree, our blog subscribers are very special people!

  4. I'm happy to reenter your subscribers list, Nancy! I hate to think of having an empty email box in the morning!
    LOved Karen's cool salad spinner technique - your card gets an A+++ from me!! and thank you for the card, my friend! xo

  5. Love your awesome salad spinner alcohol ink piece, Nancy! I'm on the lookout for one. Thanks for the info on subscribers.

  6. You are very special to me too Nancy x. What a striking card, love the fun technique and WOW to the effect x. I subscribe via your followers button.....I hope this is not going to change in the future...who knows x.

  7. Wonderful card the richness of the colours.
    I still need to figure out the subscription option....ugh. It's hard when I am not computer savvy at all.
    xx Karen

  8. Love those colours and your card design. I shall have to check out the salad spinner, my mind is a big boggled by the idea. You are very generous to be doing your own email list, so thank you, I will sign up xx

  9. I'm still trying to make my mind up about this subscription method. Those of you who choose to use it are very generous with your time, I think. I follow you in Feedly, so will not need to subscribe. Your card is rich and pretty. I can just imagine the mess I could make with alcohol inks and a salad spinner! Yikes! You're an adventurer!

  10. Actually the lid on the salad spinner keeps all the mess inside the spinner:-) That was a pleasant surprise. Hasn't our weather been beautiful?!? Margie and I will be visiting our family and friends at Sunset Memorial Park (It is like a beautiful park, especially with all the flowers for Memorial Day:-) We will going on Sunday and arranging flowers on site:-) It something we look forward to every year. Our Mom always took us every year since we were little girls:-) The subscription method is getting easier:-) I have always appreciated your sweet comments, my friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy P.S. Denny is getting the veggie garden planted starting today:-)

  11. I absolutely adore your card Nancy... The colours are wonderful! I have always kept a blog list on my sidebar so I can always visit my friends. For me this works best, I check it and my mail box doesn't get overloaded. I did find that sometimes I wasn't getting notifications to all post on those I subscribed to so I'm sticking with what works for me and I will still be following you. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. That is a wonderful way to keep track and I am so happy I am on your list, my friend:-) TFS Love and Hugs...Nancy

  12. Gorgeous vibrant colours and a beautiful arrangement!

  13. Salad spinner!!! What a cool idea for a technique. Can’t use our salad spinner that we use to spin salads 😉, so will have to go buy another salad spinner to try it. Your card is beautiful. The colours are vibrant and summery. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.

  14. Love the fun technique and the fabulous results, Nancy! The AI colors are so vibrant and the tilted panels add movement to the card. Thank you for the card, my friend!
    Thank you also for sharing how to make the subscription changes! Hugs..Hideko

  15. Now this sounds like a fun technique ..... not sure how much of a mess I would make with a salad spinner! Might have to give it a try through, your card looks stunning!
    Thank you for the subscription details, I'm off to sign up. It's been a right old headache trying to sort out an alternative to Feedburner. Take care my friend xx

  16. Another super neat card, Nancy! I LOVE the spun colors and tilted layout!


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy