
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

CAS Christmas Challenge Rainbow

CAS Christmas Card Challenge for April is hosted by the very CAS talented Trina!  She is asking us to use Rainbow colors on our CAS Christmas Cards.  There are awesome cards by the Design Team and Guest Designer, Izzy.  Be sure and check out this fun challenge and add to your Christmas Card Stash!

Here is my CAS Rainbow Card.  Enjoy!

I am always so inspired by Trina's Phamtastic Design very Clean and Simple Christmas Card Designs.

Much to my surprise...I was thrilled and pleased to create a very CAS Christmas Card😊
Thank you Trina for always inspiring me and hosting the creative CAS April challenge.

I found a beautiful metallic shiny Magical's  background in my stash.  I used several Magicals powders that I reconstituted with water,  but I did not write down the colors.  I Die cut it using SSS Winter Trees Die.  I used scotch tape to keep the pieces attached then die cut a piece of MM paper and attached to the Magical's trees for added dimension.  Next set aside the rainbow colored trees.

Then die cut the CUTplorations Stitched Snow Hills out of SU Basic White Thick 100# cardstock.
Attached snow hills to SU 100# card base.  Stamped STAMPlorations Christmas Joy sentiments and then attached the die cut trees and Done! QCAS design😊

You still have until the 24th to play along with the CAS Christmas Card Challenge.
Love and Hugs

Stamps: STAMPlorations Christmas Joy sentiments.
Paper: SU Basic White Thick 100# cardstock.  
Inks: Archival Jet Black
Accessories: SSS Winter Trees Die.  CUTplorations Stitched Snow Hills Die.


  1. I love this design, Nancy and think I have a similar stamp. Love the little bit of bright color against the white. This one also looks fun to do! Beautiful card!

  2. What a fabulous way to incorporate the rainbow colours with the Magicals Nancy. Such a contemporary and unique CAS Christmas card x.

  3. Ooh, your rainbow colored trees are gorgeous, Nancy! You have really captured Trina's wonderful CAS style with this card, my friend!

    1. Thank you Bonnie, I was really pleased with the results. I love how the Magicals picks up the light and glows! Hugs...Nancy

  4. Lovely rainbow of Magicals' colours on your trees! Your card is CAS perfection! Thanks so much for joining us at CAS Christmas.

  5. Wow Nancy, amazing effect with the Magicals and love the CAS design with the trees against the white background ♥

  6. You've proven there are many ways to add rainbow colors to our Christmas cards, Nancy! This one is particularly clever - and pretty!

  7. This is stunning, Nancy. I love the mix of colors and a gorgeous, peaceful scene.

  8. Oooh that Magicals background piece is so beautiful! Brilliant idea to die cut the row of trees from it. They look amazing against all that wonderful white space in your fabulous CAS design! Thank you for brightening up the gallery this month at CAS Christmas and... THANK YOU for making my day with your kind compliment!

    1. And...Thank you, my dear friend for always inspiring me and hosting such a fun and unique CAS Christmas Challenge, Trina. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  9. What a lovely stand of pine trees colored with your beautiful Magicals Nancy - they look beautiful against the white landscape!

  10. What a cool tree die that is! The Magicals background you cut them from is gorgeous! Nice idea for the rainbow challenge. Love the CASness of your card, too, Nancy. Hugs!

  11. LOVE your rainbow trees, Nancy. What a fabulous design and a great way to incorporate the beautiful colours into a Christmas card. xx

  12. Love your artsy trees and stitched hill. Great Christmas card.

  13. I love this CAS rainbow Christmas card, Nancy! The metallic rainbow trees are gorgeous and unique!! You are so clever to use Magicals this way. I would have never thought of that. The stitched snow hill line is just enough to add interest to the white background. The layout is wonderful too. Thank you so much for adding this beauty to the CAS Christmas gallery! Hugs.. Hideko

    1. Always so fun to find the right backgound in our stashes:-) Thank you for your thoughtful comment, my friend. Hugs....Nancy

  14. In a word Nancy... Stunning!! I adore this! That design would make a batch and how pretty they all would be

  15. Wonderful design and beautiful colour!

  16. Nancy, this is just, well, magical! I love the effect of the shimmery trees and love the way you attached them to a white on white background. Time has really run away with me this month - all these challenges I wanted to join in with! Do you get this? Hope you are getting lots of outdoors time as well as time in the craft room. Sending hugs, Vicky x

  17. This is brilliant and so perfectly CAS. I must remember to check out my backgrounds folder when I want to die-cut an image as there is a lot in there and it always feels good to use something up. Well done xx

  18. Hi Nancy--Love the look of those trees! Such a great, CAS card & easy to mail for Christmas!

  19. Super sweet card the look.
    So sorry I am so late at coming over for a visit. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with al I have to do these days. I hope you are keeping well and safe.
    Good hubby and I have got our first shot of one is in 4 months.
    take care.
    xx Karen

    1. Happy to hear you have your 1st vaccine. We get our 1st vaccine tomorrow..May 11 and our 2nd June 10th. Can't wait. We are doing fine and lots of gardening to do now. So many beautiful blooms from our plants and flowering trees. Love this time of year. I don't know how you manage with your pre-school, your own crafting and keeping up at home. Take care and enjoy the beautiful Springtime. Love and hugs...Nancy


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy