
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

STAMPlorations Dee's New Release Life is Sweeter Day 2

Time for STAMPlorations Day 2 New Release Mini Blog Hop Featuring Dee's "Life is Sweeter" new stamp set!

You're the friend everyone wishes they had...
Distress Oxide Inks blended onto Fluid 100 140# Hot Press W/C paper with make up brush.  Then die cut 4" x 4' background with CUTplorations Circles All Over Textures Cover Plate.

 Placed WC paper in MISTI.  Individually Water Colored fruit images from Dee's Life is Sweeter new stamp set with Zigs,  spritzed with water and then stamped on WC paper.  Moved the ink with aqua brush and set aside each piece of fruit to dry.  Then Fussy cut fruit.

Next Sponged edges with DOX and blended more of the ink on the bottom of the main image to ground the fruit.  Splattered water onto background for more texture.

Shaped fruit with stylus and attached to background with mini dimensionals.
Then stamped the leaves and sweet sentiment.

Attached main image to 5" x 5" SU Whisper White 100# card base and Done!
Thank you Dee...I Loved playing with your new stamp set😊


Commenting is from March 8 to 17.
Winners will be randomly drawn from all comments left on the STAMP blog and the Designers' Blogs, with winners announced on March 19.

-$25 prize code to ONW (1) commenter randomly drawn from comments left on all the blogs.
-Stamp Set of choice from the new release to ONE (1) commenter randomly drawn from comments left on all the blogs.

If you plan to order you can use my 20% off code STAMPGIRLNANCY 
  on most orders!


  1. Artsy, fun card Nancy! Love the background with the deep rust and embossed circles. Fabulous fruit stamps from one of Dee's new sets. xx

  2. Shaping the fruit makes all the difference and what gorgeous blended colours Nancy x. What a lovely sentiment too x.

  3. Great background and you have achieved wonderful texture on your fruit with watercolour, very clever xx

  4. What a nice sentiment and a pretty card! I especially like your blended background with pierced circles. Cool that you shaped the fruits, too!

  5. Gorgeous fruits! Love the background!

  6. Love the rich colors and die cut circles of this background, Nancy! A beautiful place for the lovely fruit to rest!

  7. fun images Nancy and love those warm summer colours :)

  8. Awesome background and fruit designs! Love the colors!

  9. Great background and lovely fruits! TFS

  10. I like your background. I have that die with the circle dots, and have used it already. It looks great on this card--good job.

  11. Beautifully done Nancy, the fruit looks terrific!

  12. Loving that circles cover plate Nancy and how beautiful it looks on that blended background. Always love a fruity motif too and love the way you coloured yours. Hugs, Vicky x

  13. What a fun fruit card, Nancy! The combination of the ink-blending and the circle texture piercing (die-cutting) makes the background interesting and unique. The darker ink-blending worked very well to ground the fruit. I love your watercolored and shaped with stylus fruit! This is a wonderful showcase of the Dee's new release! Hugs.. Hideko

  14. Cute card. Wonderful background. Great job shaping the fruit to give it dimension.


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy