
Saturday, March 20, 2021

CAS Christmas Card Challenge Kraft, Red & White

I am playing in the CAS Christmas Card Challenge using Kraft, Red and White colors and hosted by the very talented Loll.
Be sure and check out the beautiful creative cards by the DT and GD.

The team is celebrating the CAS Christmas Challenge's 3rd Birthday too😊

And there are prizes if you follow the rules😀

I do love Kraft, Red and White colors for Christmas.  Enjoy!
I cut a piece of Strathmore Mixed Media Tan paper 3 1/2" x 8 1/2" then  stamped the Colorado Craft Co. "Big and Bold Slimline Poinsettias" with Versafine Black ink using MISTI.  Heat embossed images with SU Clear EB powder.  

I did stamp the images off the edge and did not color for a more CAS design.  Stamped the greetings from the same set with Versa Magic Cloud White ink and heat embossed with Wow White EB powder.

Next sponged edge with DOX Candied Apple using i-Crafter i-Brush.  Layered main image over SU Whisper White 100# cardstock and attached to "4 x 9" Slimline card base.  Added Nuvo Crystal Drops White Blizzard to the center of each flower for a pretty glittery shine and Done!

Sharing photo of the the shine from the heat embossing and Crystal Drops.

Thank you Lolly for hosting such a fun CAS Christmas Challenge and enjoy celebrating your challenge's 3rd birthday.  The cards by the DT and GD are so inspiring.  Love and Hugs..

Stamps: Colorado Craft Co (3C) Big and Bold Slimline  Poinsettias.
Paper: SU Real Red,  Whisper White Thick 100#.  Strathmore Mixed Media Tan.
Inks: Versafine black.  Versa Magic White.  DOX Candied Apple.
Accessories: MISTI. SU Clear EB powder. i-Crafter i-Blending Brush. Nuvo Crystal Drops White Blizzard.


  1. Wonderful shiny embossing and your inked edges really help the white pop, gorgeous xx

  2. Beautiful shine, and what a fabulous statement those Big & Bold Poinsettias make, Nancy! So wonderful!!

  3. A wonderful slimline card, Nancy - it really allows you the space to do that fabulous layout with the poinsettias at the top and bottom, and the sentiment in the middle. Love the shine of the embossing powder and the Crystal Drops.

  4. I’ve been eyeing this set from CCC... may have to bump it up on my list. This is a lovely slimline card, Nancy. The shine is beautiful. Thank you for joining us at CAS Christmas.

    BTW, you may want to enter this in the arch slimline challenge at Christmas Card Throwdown

    1. Thanks for the heads up at Christmas Card Throwdown, Trina and your sweet comment. You would LOVE this set:-) Love and Hugs..Nancy

  5. Gorgeous poinsettia CAS card, Nancy! I love how you used the challenge colors! Leaving the poinsettias uncolored/Kraft and sponging the edges in red is unique and wonderful! The off-the-edge layout adds so much interest to the card and the shine from the heat-embossing and Nuvo drops is pretty! Happy to see your card in the CAS Christmas gallery. Thank you! Hugs.. Hideko

    1. Thank you Hideko for your thoughtful comment. It was a challenge to keep my card CAS, but loved how it turned out. Love and Hugs..Nancy

  6. What a GORGEOUS card Nancy! I've been eyeing that CCC set too and it just may have to go in the card after seeing this beautiful card! You used the challenge colors beautifully and I love the soft edging you gave the kraft layer with the red ink...sooo pretty! Lovely, lovely card my friend and thanks so much for playing along with us at CAS Christmas!! Hugs. :0)

    1. You would Love this set, Marcia. It is very versatile! Thanks for your sweet comment. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  7. A stunning slim line card, Nancy. I like that you left the poinsettias white and the black, shiny embossed really makes them pop. The soft color around the edge is lovely. I had to go check out what an i-crafter i-brush was. What a cool tool that is.

  8. What an elegant and beautiful CAS card. The colour combination looks fabulous and your stamping with the heat embossing looks so pretty Nancy x.

  9. You made the most perfect slimline and simple Christmas card in these colors, Nancy! I do love the look of it!

  10. LOVE your slimline design Nancy! Those poinsettias are gorgeous ... love them stamped off the edge to give you lots of open space. The embossing makes them shine, along with the nuvo drops in the center of the flowers. Great framing with the sponged edge. xx

    1. Thank you, Lolly. I Love how versatile this set can be:-) Love and Hugs..Nancy

  11. This colour combo is also one of my favourites for Christmas. that Colorado Craft Co stamp is on my list, love what you did with it Nancy ♥

  12. I love the poinsettias stamped off the page and making a perfect frame, Nancy! Wonderful use of these colors and shine!

  13. So elegant, Nancy, in the long frame and that lovely colour combo.

  14. Well great minds definitely do think alike Nancy - I have been making a poinsettia card today and almost went for that very layout! (I didn't in the end.) I love your shiny poinsettia outlines and the way you left them uncoloured. And that crisp white frame - I love how it pops!

    Thank you for your comment :) I haven't seen the pheasants again so I think they must have been scared away and will build their nest somewhere safer I hope. Glad you're enjoying the spring outdoors! Hugs, Vicky x

  15. What a beautiful slimline card, Nancy--love it!

  16. Beautiful slimline card. Thank you for joining us at 52CCT. Goga

  17. Simply beautiful! Love the red edging to you kraft panel

  18. The black embossed poinsettia looks fantastic on the kraft! A beautiful and elegant CAS Slimline card! Thanks so much for playing along with us at 52CCT:)

  19. such a pretty look with the black embossed poinsettia's on the kraft Nancy! love the long tall look! xx

  20. Some great designing here! Love the black embossing and the way you stamped the images! GREAT card, my friend. Hugz


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy