
Monday, February 22, 2021

CAS Mix Up Stenciled with Distress EB Glaze

After seeing Hideko's (Papercraft Boutique) Stenciled Embossing Glaze Technique I just had to try it!  Thank you for always inspiring me with your beautiful creative  CAS designs my dear friend😊

You still have until the 24th to play along with us at CAS Mix Up Stencil Heat Embossing.

Used Stamping,  Stencil Heat Embossing, Die Cutting.

I used a SU square die (ret) to cut out a Basic Grey "Stella Ruby" designer paper then used the next smaller square die to cut down the piece and saved the frame.

Next used Archival Jet Black ink and stamped lightly a T.H. "Stampers Anonymous" script stamp for a distressed look.  Then the fun part!  Used a D. Wakely Stencil "Leafy" and placed over part of script and used a sponge dauber to add clear Versamark thru the stencil and then lifted off stencil and set aside. 

Next heat embossed the leaves with Ranger Distress Embossing Glaze "Speckled Egg".  You can see the script thru the embossed leaves because of the opaque glaze😊

Showing a close up of the Glaze Shine!

This is the 1st time I have tried the easy technique with EB Glazes and I LOVED the results.  Thank you again Hideko for the inspiration💕

I used a SU Very Vanilla Thick 4 1/4" square card base to finish my CAS card. Popped up the main image with craft foam.  Then stamped the Altenew sentiment from "Leaf Canopy" and added to the main image and Done!

I have loved all your beautiful and creative cards my friends. Thank you for playing along this month.  Love and Hugs..

Stamps: Tim Holtz "Stampers Anonymous Script",  Altenew "Leaf Canopy" sentiment.
Paper: SU Very Vanilla Thick.  Basic Grey "Stella Ruby" 12 x 12 DP (ret)
Inks: Archival Jet Black.
Accessories: D. Wakely "Leafy" Stencil.  Ranger Distress Embossing Glaze Speckled Egg.  Versamark clear.  Heat Tool. SU Square Dies (ret).  Connect Glue Gina K.  Craft Foam.


  1. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Nancy!! Love the paper you used and how you can see the script through the embossed leaves...soooo pretty!! Hugs. :0)

  2. This is truly beautiful, Nancy - don't we all miss Basic Grey?? I really must get some of this glaze - it's so amazing!

    1. You would Love the Glaze, my friend. I now have 14 and plan to get a few more:-) As infrequently as I use my DP's, I probably have a life time of Basic Grey. My all time favorite DT:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy

  3. What a lovely card, the shapes, the colours, the details are all so beautiful.

  4. This is so beautiful Nancy! I LOVE how the leaves shine, but you can still see the script underneath. Love the design of your card. xx

  5. I really love the embossing glazes and the way the stamping underneath shows through! You've done a great job on that technique! Love the colours you used and the design of the card.

  6. This worked beautifully, Nancy! You and Hideko have inspired me! Thanks for a fabulous challenge, my friend!

  7. Thank you for your sweet words, Nancy!
    Your Speckled Egg Distress EB Glaze effect is fantastic! Love that the script stamping underneath shows through, and the glossy shine is so pretty! Your choice of the awesome designer paper and the square frame & panel design are perfect to show off the beauty of this artsy CAS card, my friend! Hugs.. Hideko

    1. Thank you again for always inspiring me and your sweet and thoughtful comments, my friend.. Love and Hugs..Nancy

  8. Oh, how great to do this with designer paper! You know Stella Ruby and I had a long relationship. You made this piece so pretty with your stencil and glaze and CAS design!

  9. Yes, I remember all your gorgeous cards with Stella Ruby and I think you succeeded in using ALL your Stella Ruby Designer Papers:-) I got my 12"x12" sheets when our local stamping store went out of business. I still miss "Memories of Time". It was so fun getting them all out and being inspired by all their rich colors and designs:-) You will see more cards in the future using the Gorgeous paper:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy

  10. Love that colour and the shine. I have just bought myself some embossing glaze so am looking forward to having a go with it. Hope I can come up with something as good as this xx

  11. You really have been the hostess with the mostest Nancy! This is another inspirational piece of art. Love the script background and the way the glaze highlights the bits under the leaves. The paper was the perfect choice too. Hugs, Vicky x

  12. I LOVE this Nancy. What a fabulous technique, I love how the script shows through the embossing glaze ..... great layout too! xx

  13. Absolutely stunning Nancy... I love everything about this!

  14. Ohhh, I love this one. The glaze is fabulous and I love that all the elements come together better than puzzle pieces. Love.

  15. Very cool card, Nancy! I love the script showing through the embossed leaves! Super layout, too, with the offset square and frame!


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy