
Friday, January 1, 2021

CAS Mix Media Challenge: Splatters

Wishing you all a safe and Happy Creative New Year, dear friends.

Our very talented Hilary is hosting the Splatters Challenge.
Elaine (Craft-E-Place) has the honor of being our 1st Guest Designer for 2021!

We are excited to have two new Design Team very talented girls joining our CAS Family too!  Leslie (Running with Scissors) and Coni (Which Craft?)  Welcome girls,  you both will be fitting right into our creative wonderful family😀

We would love to have you join our amazing Design Team and Guest Designers in our First CAS Mixed Media Challenge.  Remember to make your cards Clean and Simple.

Stamping, Splatters and Heat Embossing.
I have been playing with a new to me product, Big Bold "Wishes Snowflake" stamp set from Colorado Craft Company.

I used my EB Buddy on the Strathmore Mixed Media Paper.  Then began by stamping off the edge of the large snowflake with Versamark Ink using MISTI. Heat embossed "Wow" Opaque Bright White Embossing Powder.

Then the fun splattering began using  Posca acrylic white pen.  I used my bone folder to tap the pen to make the splatters.  I used the brush end of the pen to make some of the splatters larger to give a snowy affect.

When dry used i-Crafter Blended Brushes,  which are like finger daubers,  but with a brush end.  They come 10 in a package and I think will last a life time.  So easy to use to sponge the edge of my image using Distress Oxide Vintage Photo ink and you do not need to press hard.

Next heat embossed with the "Wow" EB powder the sentiment from the same stamp set and attached to SU cardstock and trimmed.  Then layered onto SU Cherry Cobbler card stock.  Added SU Candy Dot and Done!


Sharing a 2nd not as CAS card using the same Wishes Snowflake stamp.

I used the same techniques and supplies,  but did not trim down the card front.
Loved both cards and the color combo.  

We would love to have you join our 1st 2021 CAS Mix Media Splatters Challenge.

Wishing you all a safe and creative New Year.  Love and Hugs..

Stamps: Colorado Craft Company (3 C's) Big Bold "Wishes Snowflake".
Paper: SU 100# CS.  Strathmore Mixed Media Tan.  SU Cherry Cobbler.
Inks: Distress Oxide Vintage Photo.  Versamark.  
Accessories: MISTI. Wow Opaque Bright White EB Powder.  Heat tool.  i-Crafter Blended Brushes from SSS.  Posca White Acrylic Pen. Bone Folder. EB Buddy. SU Candy Dot.


  1. This is wonderful, I love the kraft with that deep red and the heat embossed snowflake. Those splatters are perfect too. I got some of those brushes for Christmas and I think they will get lots of use xx

    1. I am loving your splatter challenge, Hilary. I am finally feeling really comfortable using my Posca pens to create splatters! You will Love your brushes too. Happy New Year, dear friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  2. Great cards Nancy - your snowflake pops off the kraft front and the deep red is a perfect compliment! Hope 2021 is a better year for us all. x

  3. That is one big, impactful snowflake and it looks beautiful on your cards! I love the warm color combo. The finger brushes look like fun! I checked them out from your link. So pretty in the different colors. Very tempting!

    1. Hi Leslie, so excited to be on the same CAS Mix Up Design Team with you my forever girlfriend:-) I just added you and Coni to my blog description! I am totally sold on the the finger brushes and love how the colors tell immediately what color family to use:-) They are really a high quality product too. We must have our toys! Happy New Year dear friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  4. LOVE this large snowflake stamp Nancy! It's gorgeous in white heat embossing on kraft background. Love it paired with the Cherry Cobbler to. Winning colour combination! Both card designs are fabulous. BTW, ordered the sponge brushes a couple of days ago because of you and Marcia (both expert enablers!). :) xx

    1. Thank you for the sweet comment, Lolly...I am soooo excited that you have ordered the finger brushes...You will LOVE them!! We do have fun!

  5. Well done!!! I love these big stamps and using it to stamp off is a terrific idea. Adore white embossing on kraft with that touch of deep red, as well. never thought of using my Posca pen for the spatter. It's looks awesome.

    1. I learned to use the Posca pens (white and black) for splatters from our very creative friend, Karen (Snippets). It is so much fun sharing and learning from our creative friends:-) Thank you Coni for your sweet comment. Welcome...again, Hugs...Nancy

  6. Love, love, love this big snowflake, Nancy! It's so pretty with the kraft and cherry cobbler! The splatters are perfect and give it the look of falling snow! Happy New Year, my friend!

  7. Such a striking card Nancy, love the bold snowflake and using a posca pen for the spatters is such a great idea! Must try that. Those finger brushes look interesting, a bit like small makeup brushes that fit on your fingers? Happy New Year, Cathy x

    1. That is exactly what they are like, much control:-) Happy New Year, my friend. Love and Hugs...

  8. The perfect colour combo Nancy and perfect splattering, I've never had any luck splattering with my Posca pens :(.
    Red, White and Kraft are my favourite. I love that bold snowflake, I thinking it's going on my wish list :)

    1. I was having issues withe Posca splatters too until I started using my bone folder to give harder taps to the end of the pens. Works great. I love the color combo for Christmas cards. Worked great with the white heat eb snowflakes. I was really pleased with the new stamp set and sentiments that are included. I have their Slimline Poinsettia set now too. You will see me use it in my CAS Mix Up Splatter reminder card. Having fun using new products that I have ordered on sale during all the end of the year sales:-) Hope you are finding more time to play now that the holidays have winded down:-) Happy New Year, my dear friend. Love and Hugs..Nancy

  9. I just LOVE the kraft/white/burgundy color mix on this lovely snowflake winter card Nancy! Both versions are so pretty - and the sponged edge gives great definition to your design! Happy Better New Year! xx

  10. LOVE both your cards Nancy and I just ordered that snowflake stamp from Colorado Craft Co. last week, so was excited to see you use it and have another idea to add to my list of ways to use! Love that I'm not the only one who loves those iCrafter finger tip blending brushes too...mine have gotten quite a workout since I first bought them! But anyway, your cards are absolutely lovely and a perfect way to start out this New Years challenge! Hugs. :0)

    1. I can't wait to see what you create with the snowflake stamp set, Marcia. You will love the set. I have used my i-Crafter finger brushes several times already. I think they are a must have:-) It is so fun starting our year off with CAS Mix Up Challenges! Love and Hugs...Nancy

  11. How I love your unique colors of kraft and red. What an impact that has. Love the white stamping on kraft too. This is so creative, Nancy.

  12. I LOVE your card! I think white on kraft is a wonderful colour combo and the snowflake is amazing!

  13. I absolutely adore the look of the rich deep red with the white embossed big snowflake on the kraft card Nancy and love the coordinating white embossed sentiment and background splatters. A fabulous card. x

  14. Nancy, I love these cards - I'd even say they are up in my top favourites of your cards. The kraft and white with the bit of cherry cobbler is such a fabulous colour combination.

  15. Love the sketch-style snowflake Nancy and it works so well with the splatters. Loving the white on kraft and that's a GREAT tip about the pen - must try that! Loving seeing all my favourite challenges coming back - whatever happens, it will be a happy creative year! Vicky x

  16. Both cards look fabulous Nancy. Love the colour combination and that oversized snowflake looks amazing x.

  17. Two beautifully done cards. Until I read the post, I thought it was kraft paper. Great work on the distressing, and really makes that snowflake a WOW. The little jewel center is a perfect bling-y to add, and I am in awe of your spatters. TFS & Happy New Year. Hugs Mary H.

  18. Both bold snowflake cards are fabulous, Nancy! Love the color combo, and the wonderful white splatters. Sponging the edge enhanced the warmth of Kraft color, and added cozy feeling to the card. The mature red (Cherry Cobbler) of the Candy Dot, the Sentiment panel, and the matte pops beautifully. Thank you so much for sharing the inspiring cards at the beginning of a new year.
    Happy New Year, my friend! :-) Hugs.. Hideko

  19. Beautiful card, Nancy. A classic colour combo of kraft, red and white. Love the oversized snowflake. Would have never thought to splatter with a posca pen, but obviously it works just fine.
    You just reminded me I have an oversized snowflake stencil that has been collecting dust since I got it. 🙈

  20. Two fabulous creations Nancy! I love the colours together... Happy New Year!!!

  21. Beautiful cards, Nancy! One of my favorite color combinations is red, white and kraft! I really like the way the small portion of the white card base makes the snowflake pop on the first card! I also like the shading on the edges of the kraft panel of both cards!

  22. Happy New Year Nancy!
    What a fab card to start the year. Love your colour combination and the snowflake looks so cool off the edge. Great job with the splatters too! xx

  23. Great CAS design Nancy love the colours and your big bold Snowflake with the splatters. Happy New Year!

  24. love fav snowflake for sure!! great colour choices too mf.
    I just made a bunch with that stamp yesterday and of course, added the splatters too.
    xx Karen

    1. Thank you, Karen for inspiring me so much with your gorgeous cards using the Bold Snowflake that I just Had to order this wonderful set:-) Love and Hugs...we have so much fun!!! Nancy

  25. Lovely snowflake card, Nancy with the splatters. Red, white and Kraft always look so pretty together. Beautiful cards.


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy