
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thank you Karen for all your Inspiration:-)

I have been so inspired by my friend Karen (Snippets) background techniques
that she has been sharing with her Blog friends during this time of
home isolation.

My card was inspired by Karen's smooshed watercolored background cards:-)
Be sure and check out her awesome blog.  You will be inspired too:-)

I used Leaf Green and Turquoise Brushos.  Sprinkled the green onto my glass mat
spritzed generously with water and smooshed some areas of a piece of Strathmore
Mixed Media paper in green inks and let dry.  Cleaned glass mat.

Then sprinkled Turquoise Brushos onto mat, spritzed with water and smooshed other
areas of the MM paper.  Let dry and then stamped with an older wood mount
Penny Black "Scented Message" collage style stamp using Archival jet black ink.

Die cut smooshed and stamped layer with Reverse Confetti "Lacy Scallop Frame".
Added Penny Black "Happy Snippets"  sentiment stamp,  "believe".

Popped up layer using white craft foam onto SU Whisper White 100# cardbase. 
I loved the collage design and the Quick Clean and Simple design.
I added Nuvo White Blizzard Glitter Drops to the centers of the flowers, 
that show up well IRL and add such pretty glittery shine.

Thank you again Karen for always Inspiring me and sharing your detailed
descriptions of your techniques.

Stay safe dear friend and keep on Creating.  Hugs..

Stamps: Penny Black Scented Message and Happy Snippets sentiment
Paper: Strathmore Mixed Media.  SU Whisper White 100# CS.
Inks: Brushos: Leaf Green and Turquoise.  Archival Jet Black.
Accessories: MISTI. Glass Mat. T.H. Spritzer. Reverse Confetti Lacy Scallop Frame Dies. Nuvo White Blizzard Glitter Drops.  White Craft Foam.


Sharing our well loved 35 acre paradise!

We have a Large 50' x 100' garden and  many flower gardens and ornamental trees :-)
So plenty to do during this time of self-isolation,  especially in the Spring!

We have spent 48 years developing our paradise,  raising our 3 kids and now
enjoying retirement.   We both have hobbies,  no TV and plenty of books and music:-)

Photo of about a third of our 2019 garden,  Denny's 2019 firewood drying and barn.

Our Lindal Home built 21 years ago.

Denny tilling garden.  Three Apple trees are on outside of fenced garden.

Pink dogwood and our gorgeous SW Oregon blue sky:-)

Stay Safe and Creative dear friends. 


  1. Your card is beautiful, Nancy. However I'm even more taken by your beautiful garden and home. It blends in beautifully with its surroundings. Wow! Big hugs my friend 💕

  2. Beautiful card inspired by Karen. She really is special and always inspires me too! Your garden is gorgeous! Looks like you've had amazing weather to take these wonderful photos. I'm always in awe of all the hard work you and Denny do to keep your place pristine. Great photos, my friend! xx

    1. Thank you Loll. All the photos were taken last Spring. Too early yet to get the garden in, but will be soon. We have sure enjoyed the gorgeous weather we have been having. Easy to self isolate on our place:-) Stay safe and creative, my friend. Hugs...Nancy

  3. I'm loving your Karen-inspired garden, Nancy... it's gorgeous!! and so is this fabulous home, and garden. You'll have to teach us, what is a Lindal Home? I LOVE the color! What a wonderful place to be shut-ins! Stay there, be well!

    1. whoops... I meant 'card' - see how WOWED I was? xx

    2. Our Lindal home is a solid cedar home. Like a log house except the logs are squared off and 4" thick. You choose a plan (we made a few changes) then order the kit that is delivered in a big semi-truck. Google to learn more:-) Again..Karen sure inspires us all:-) Hugs..Nancy

  4. What a beautiful card! (I am a Fan!) I love your inspiring works with paper and inks!♥ But, at the moment, it is the pictures of your home that are so refreshing and somewhat 'freeing'! :D I feel like the cat that sits on the sofa back, stares out the window and dreams of sneaking out whenever the door opens! Oh, for FREEDOM! But, your and others beautiful creations enchant and divert my thoughts to INSIDE PLAY! TFS!

  5. oh are so, so very kind to have posted this! I'm totally blushing but so appreciative that I can inspire. I just love, love my card and it's in a place of honor.
    thanks again so much,
    xx Karen

    1. I am so pleased you liked your card made just for you:-) You have always inspired me ever since we became friends years ago on Splitcoaststampers.
      Stay safe, Karen and please keep on creating your beauties. Love and Hugs..Nancy

  6. p.s. your property is just gorgeous, thanks for sharing your pics.
    x Karen

  7. Thanks for sharing you little bit of Paradise with us, Nancy! What a wonderful place to have to stay home in! I can see Karen's influence in your card, but I also see your creativity, my friend! Gorgeous colors for this lovely stamp! Stay safe and well. xoxo

  8. I love how this card turned out! That background is so perfect for that stamp. And WOW, I want to live there! I can't imagine the work but it IS really paradise! Good for you both for all your hard work to create such a magnificent place to life. I really enjoyed those photos.

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy. Hope you are doing ok too. Nice to have our hobbies to keep us busy and home:-) Stay safe and creative. Hugs.Nancy

  9. That was a beautiful tribute to Karen and her incredible talent, Nancy! I love your artsy card with the fabulous background! I haven't been patient enough to do the Brusho/dry/Brusho technique, but now you have, in turn, inspired me!! Thank you and thank you for sharing the gorgeous photos of your Paradise and DEnny! Not a bad place to spend a pandemic! Take care and keep safe, my friend!! Hugs, Dolly

    1. Thanks Dolly...Karen is so talented and now that she is being safe and isolated at home and none of her day care kiddos to take care she has lots of time to play and watch videos to be inspired to try new techniques:-) I know she is missing her little ones, but glad she has a hobby that makes her and her friends happy:-) Aren't we all happy that we have such a wonderful hobby that makes others happy too:-) Love to you, Mister, hammy and the dogs:-) Stay safe and creative. Nancy

  10. Beautiful and artsy card... and a thoughtful tribute to Karen. Love the colours.
    And your place looks incredible.

  11. Thank you for the photos of your beautiful property, Nancy! Isn't spring just the most wonderful time of year? I love watching everything come back to life and getting out there planting, tidying up the flower beds, etc. Love your card - beautiful blue and green together. Karen really inspires me too with all her great backgrounds.

  12. First of all, Nancy, your card just moved to the top of my favorites by you. Wow! The stamp and background are both amazing. You did a beautiful job on this! Now... It blows me away that it's been 21 years since I came out there and visited your brand new house! It's all such a beautiful paradise. Your maple trees sure have grown. I'm so glad you shared these pics. It's not hard to isolate on a place like that, is it? I'm happy to have our much smaller, but still roomy place on the edge of the woods. Enjoy spring and all your flowers!

  13. Gorgeous blue and green Brusho background, Nancy! I can see Karen's flair in your card. I'm sure she loved it. The collage style stamped images look awesome against the smooshed background.
    Thank you so much for sharing the pictures of your and Denny's paradise! It's so big and yet so well maintained! Your red Lindal Home is so lovely!!
    Hugs.. Hideko

  14. Well I love your card and then then I saw your photos... Holy cow! I am blown away with your land... What a super place!! Thank you for sharing - stay well


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy