
Sunday, March 15, 2020

CAS Stencil Challenge Reminder Card: Heat Embossing

Already time for our CAS Stencil Reminder cards!
Be sure and check out the awesome cards by our talented DT and Guest Designer, Cat!
Viv is hosting the creative challenge this month:-)

Had fun using new to me Shadow Black Watercolors!

I was so inspired when I saw my friend and fellow CAS Designer, 
Christine's (It's a card days night) Gorgeous card using Boku-Undo Shadow Black
Watercolors from Japan.  I now have the set of 6 colors:-)  
Be sure to Click on the link to Christine's Gorgeous card!

I used the Reddish Black on my Magenta "Large Daisy" and the 
Greenish Black on my TCW "Jungle Vines Stencil" leaves, which I heat embossed
using Versamarker watermark pen and SU Clear EB powder.

I used a #2 paint brush and palette for my painting and kept my watercolors diluted.

I Stamped my flower 1st using my MISTI and Archival Black ink.
Then painted with the reddish black watercolor and fussy cut.

Next stenciled the leaves with the greenish black watercolor and removed stencil.
Then luckily found my Versamarker pen to add to the leaves and heat embossed.

Popped up flower with dimensionals and added to leaves.
I used Strathmore Mixed Media paper for my card base and card front.
Added the STAMPlorations Clear Sticker "Shine Bright" and Done!

Thank you again Christine for always inspiring me with your amazing 
mixed media projects!!!!

You still have until the 24th to play along.  Hugs...


Stamps: Magenta Large Daisy.
Paper: Strathmore Mixed Media
Inks: Boku-Undo Shadow Black Watercolors: Greenish Black and Reddish Black. (I found the set of 6 on Amazon).  Archival Jet Black.
Accessories: TCW Jungle Vines Stencil.  Versamarker pen. SU Clear EB Powder and heat tool. #2 paint brush. Palette. SU Papersnips and dimensionals.  STAMPlorations Clear Sticker "Shine Bright".


  1. Lovely flower and water colouring. You are right those colours are quite special, adding that little bit of heat embossing gives a nice bit of added interest xx

  2. A wonderful card Nancy! Never heard of those Watercolours - bet they cost an arm and a leg in the UK too - but will of course go check them out!!!

    1. They were just $13.00 and no shipping from Amazon:-) I am hooked on them:-) Hugs...

  3. You did an amazing job fussy cutting this gorgeous bloom, Nancy! I love the color you chose for it, pretty! I also love how you placed the vines, too...Absolutely beautiful card!

  4. I know nothing about those Shadow Black water color paints, but I know a gorgeous design when I see one, Nancy... so gorgeous! Great use of that Versamarker, too!

  5. Nancy wow the colours are so beautiful, I'm glad you found some and that card is a stunner (post on Magenta style FB page :)

    1. Ok I will post on Magenta...Love these paints and the Magenta Daisy because of your beauties:-) We do have fun sharing!!! Hugs...

  6. Those are wonderful watercolor paints Nancy! (something MORE I need?!!) Love the colors - your beautiful flower layered over your pretty clear embossed green leaf stenciling! xx

  7. Well, of course, you know I'm intrigued by the Shadow Black watercolors. Just one more thing... but I do love to color. I love this beautiful flower and how you combined it with the stenciled leaves. A beautiful card, Nancy!

    1. Thanks, Leslie..I got the paints on Amazon..just over $13.00 and no shipping with Prime:-) Hugs..

  8. I Love the muted colors of the Shadow Black Watercolors, Nancy! I finally placed an order at Amazon this weekend. :-) Your large daisy looks amazing, and the stenciled and heat-embossed leaves are perfect for the flower. Love your CAS design, as always! Hugs.. Hideko

    1. You will Love the watercolors, Hideko. I can't wait to see what you create:-) Love and Hugs..Nancy

  9. Oh wow!! This is stunning!! I love it! The colours are amazing... may have to check out those paints!

  10. Love this and love the muted colors of that paint! You will have us all scampering to get some. They are fabulous and so different. Your watercolor is superb. I swore you cut that daisy out twice since it has so much dimension to it. Well done, Nancy.

  11. This is amazing Nancy, I have to check out these watercolours.

  12. Love the embossed leaves with this beautiful flower! Awesome job of fussy cutting, my friend!

  13. This is beautiful with your black shadow inks, Nancy! It makes everything so interesting to have that bit of black mixed with your green vines and red flower. So very cool! Love the heat embossed vines that give your flower a stem and leaves. Very creative! xx

  14. Lovely colours, beautiful card! I just bought those paints too but haven't yet tried them. Thanks for the inspiration.

  15. I hadn't heard of the inks you used on this card, but the result is just fabulous! I love the flower with the stenciled stem - it's a beautiful combo that just works beautifully!

    1. I had not heard of the Shadow Black watercolors either until I saw Christine's gorgeous card. Now I can't stop using them:-) Hugs...

  16. A truly unique card with a stunning effect Nancy. The shadow effect looks fabulous and so is that large Daisy. Loving this one Nancy x.

  17. Beautiful card Nancy, the colours are unusual, must check them out, Cathy x

  18. Just beautiful. Those shadow black watercolours are so interesting. I’m predicting I’ll be seeing more of it in your future. 😉

  19. This is so striking Nancy and you've achieved so much texture.

  20. LOVE that flower, Nancy. It is a wonderful image, your colors are unique, and it looks fab against your leaves. So well done.

    Staying home has inspired me to buy several new water colors (venturing out of my $6 set - lol). I can't wait to play with them. Thanks for the inspiration you and Christine give me! Hugz


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy