
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

STAMPlorations November Christmas in the Air Special Feature Projects

My 1st STAMPlorations "Christmas in the Air" Special Feature Projects!
Monika and I are sharing 2 Christmas projects each using STAMPlorations products
on the 2nd Wednesday of November 2019 and January, March and May 2020:-)

Hope you can play along too and have fun making Christmas projects.
You do not have to use STAMPloration products,  but we love it when you do!

I stamped,  heat embossed, watercolored and fussy cut STAMPlorations 
"Christmas Gift-Large" image and popped up over ARTplorations 

I used Distress Inks for all my watercoloring and added Nuvo Glitter Drops to
the ornaments.  I stamped the sentiment from STAMPlorations "Homespun Christmas".
A CAS Christmas card for the busy holiday season:-)

My 1st card started out looking like this...I loved the finished colorful gift!


For my 2nd card I designed a glittery winter scene using the sweet STAMPlorations
"Homespun Christmas" stamp set for the image and sentiment.
I love the many Christmas Sentiments in this set:-)

I stamped my image onto mixed media paper using a light colored Tea Dye Distress Ink
 so I could color over the image with different Distress Inks.

After coloring the image I added Connect Glue to the snowy areas and sprinkled
with Dazzling Diamonds Glitter.  Really sparkly in real life!

Next I die cut the kraft card base and Cherry Cobbler layer with CUTplorations
the main image with white craft foam and Done!

Be sure and visit the STAMPlorations Blog to check out my teamie, Monika's beautiful
Christmas Projects.  The Christmas in the Air feature also doubles as a mini blog hop.
Shery will randomly draw one winner of a $15 gift code from all the comments left on the
Christmas in the Air posts on the STAMPlorations Blog and comments left on Monika
and my blogs! Hugs..



  1. I do love BIG presents - this gorgeous gift must have one special gift inside, Nancy! I love the stenciled panel it has to perch upon, and all the Nuvo accents are just what those ornaments were calling for!
    Now, here is this little cabin in the woods I've been seeing around blogland... I LOve your glittering snow - wishing the snow we have on the ground glittered so beautifully! Such a welcoming scene, my friend! I'm imagining a group of crafty friends inside stamping, and chatting 'til the elves come home!
    Two wonderful cards, for your 1st Special Feature Christmas post! xx

  2. Your first card is so festive, I can almost feel the anticipation of opening that gift. The cozy log cabin scene is perfect for winter.

  3. Nancy these are beautiful cards - like the packages and cabin and it is the most wonderful time of the year -my favorite saying and song! TFS

  4. Beautiful! I love the little cabin! What a great scene!

  5. Pretty cards! Love the Homespun Christmas set! Great present and ornaments image, and I love the winter scene with the cabin!

  6. Two sweet cards -- love the stenciled stars on the first one and that cozy cabin on the second!

  7. Both of your cards are really pretty - I love the sketchy feel to the Gift but the other card is lovely as well. TFS!

  8. both cards are wonderful Nancy, love the dimension of your gifts and the warm and cozy feel of the log cabin :)

  9. These are all beautiful. Great job!
    Valerija xx

  10. Two fabulous cards, Nancy. Love the colouring on the presents and the way you fussy cut them and put them on a bit of stenciled background. And your sparkly winter cabin looks great against the offset background panel.

  11. I love the stars as a BG on the first card; lovely design.
    And the 2nd card really says Christmas to me with the log cabin
    and pretty snow scene.

  12. A pretty present with the starry background! Love the depth of your design! And that log cabin is awesome! Love how the cherry cobbler and kraft make the design image stand out even more! Awesome cards, my friend!

  13. LOVE that large gift and ornaments over top of the starry background. Great colouring and fussy-cutting, Nancy! Your home sweet home card is beautiful. Amazing no-line watercolouring ... the tea dye colours worked perfectly! Such a lovely winter scene, esepcially with sparkle added to the trees. LOVE the layout of your card. xx

    1. Thank you, Loll. The images were so much fun to color that I made duplicates and will finish into 2 more Christmas cards:-) Hugs...Nancy

  14. Lovely cards, love
    the Homespun Christmas
    Carla from Utah

  15. The watercolouring is terrific! Beautiful big bold present and baubles and The snowy cabin scene is wonderful with the touch of dark red behind.

  16. Wonderful cards! Such lovely and festive designs. So perfectly executed.

  17. Two fabulous cards for your 1st "Christmas in the Air" post, Nancy!
    Your watercoloring brings the stamped images to life. The gift box and baubles are so pretty. The stars stenciled in the background add festive feelings and the Nuvo drops are a wonderful shiny touch.
    And I love the sparkly snow you added to the log cabin. It must look much prettier in real life. The tilted red matte accentuates the beauty of the snowy scene.
    Hugs.. Hideko

    1. Thank you, Hideko for your sweet comment. Yes, the snow really sparkles IRL on the cabin and trees:-) Happy Holidays, Hugs..Nancy

  18. What a wonderful scale on the first card with the fabulous gift boxes. Great scene on the second too Nancy x.

  19. Your cards are fabulous!! I love the one with the present; such a great design!

  20. Your cards are absolutely gorgeous! I'm adding Homespun Christmas to my wish list - I love your card!

  21. Fabulous Christmas cards - especially the one with the present - will make anybody happy!

  22. WONDERFUL cards!
    Love your sparkling cabin, ADORE your BIG present & baubles surrounded by stars!
    Thank you for sharing and inspiring :)


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy