
Saturday, May 4, 2019

CAS Stencil Card Challenge: Stenciling over Colored BG

Noticing Anything New?
Yes,  Spring Cleaning my Blog with the help of....Loll Thompson,  of course:-)
Thank you so much my dear creative friend!

 March 2016 were my last major changes, so time for a new header, tabs and more!
You will be added to the list of a randomly picked winner of a prize if you
mention in your comment any of my new changes:-)

You have until the end of the day May 31st to comment.
I will announce the winner on June 4th and contact you:-)

Back to our Stencil Challenge!

CAS Stencil Card Challenge for May hosted by our talented Sue.

 The challenge is to Stencil over Colored Backgrounds.
The beautiful and creative samples by our DT and GD Michele (I Card Everyone)
will inspire you along with the videos.

My Card!

I tried a new background technique I learned from Kia's (aplaceforkia) recent
You Tube video Distress Oxide Inks and baby wipes. 10:27.

You can use photo paper or glossy paper.  I used SU Glossy Cardstock.
I Cut an A2 size of CS then added Distress Oxide ink to my T.H. Glass Mat and spritzed
lightly with water and Smooshed one color at a time, drying between colors.

I used these Distress Oxide Inks: Cracked Pistachio,
Mermaid Lagoon, Peacock Feathers and Evergreen Bough for the background.

I used CUTplorations "ATC Builder Die" to die cut 2 ATC backgrounds.

Next I placed the ARTplorations "Fairy Tale Forest" stencil over ATC,
 securing with masking tape and sponged with DOX Faded Jeans.

Now for the Magic...Swiped ATC with a baby wipe to remove the Chalky Residue.
This really brightened up the shiny image!

 I die cut the CUTplorations "Hugs" in the middle of the baby wiped ATC then 
die cut "Hugs" again with White Craft Foam and Inlaid using SU Fine Tip Glue Pen.

Popped up main image with Craft Foam and attached to die cut layer, which I popped up
with foam and attached to
SU Whisper White 100# CS card base and Done!

Here is my ATC background after stenciling dried.
Left side swiped with baby wipe.  The chalky residue on right before using baby wipe.

 Loved the new Distress Oxide and Baby Wipes technique.  Thank you Kia. 
You will be seeing more backgrounds with this technique soon:-)

Enjoy and hope you get to join us at CAS Stencil Card Challenge.
You have until the 24th to play along. Hugs..


Stamps: None
Paper: SU Whisper White 100#, SU Glossy paper 
Inks: T.H. Distress Oxide Inks: Cracked Pistachio, Mermaid Lagoon, Peacock Feathers, Evergreen Bough and Faded Jeans.
Accessories: ARTplorations Sanna Fairy Tale Forest Stencil. CUTplorations ATC Builder Die, Hugs and Crazy Double Running Stitch Rectangle Nesting Dies. SU Fine Tip Glue Pen.  Acrylic Block.  White Craft Foam.


  1. Such a fantastic technique to create this bright and beautiful background to add your stenciling ... and then making the stenciling bright as well with the baby wipe! Love the colours and design, my friend. The hugs sentiment die-cut is just perfect with the white layers and framing.

    So happy you like your new look. Fabulous, artsy, and modern!


    1. Thank you again, my dear friend for all your help and encouragement. Having extra time on my vacation really made it possible to make all the changes too. I love the cleaner look too:-) Love and Hugs..Nancy

  2. I love that you did both the baby wipe and stencil design over colors. It is a gorgeous card and the white sentiment is a standout against it. I am loving this baby wipe idea. It brings out the colors so bright and happy.

  3. A beautiful background, Nancy. Gorgeous colours and technique with the baby wipe and the white die-cut is the perfect addition.

  4. Gorgeous card, Nancy! I love how you combined techniques to create your background...beautiful color palette, too! I also love that you chose your Fairy Tale Forest Stencil for your's just perfect! Thanks for the link to Kia's video...I'm looking forward to trying the baby wipe technique :)

    Your blog looks amazing! Loll is such a star...I love how she captured 'your unique style' with your header and how she streamlined everything to make it user-friendly as well!

    1. Thank you Barb. Loll found the perfect Bokeh background for my new Header. I cleaned up my side board with the advice and inspiration from Loll. She also did my new watermark and signature and helped with colors. I finally added Design Team and an Award tabs with Loll's encouragement:-) I am very happy with the results. Hugs...Nancy

  5. What a fab card, Nancy. Love the technique and colors and you know I adore the sentiment. Sweet, sweet, sweet. Hugz

  6. First of all, your blog looks fantastic, Nancy! I love the header and the overall clean-look! Loll is amazing, isn't she?
    And so is this card! The stenciled panel using baby wipe technique looks so pretty, and I love that you stenciled the Fairy Tale Forest with Faded Jeans. Great choice!
    The white of the die-cut sentiment and the panel & card base looks so refreshing and highlights the beauty of the stenciled panel!
    Hugs.. Hideko

    1. Thank you Hideko. I agree, Loll is Amazing and so generous with her help and time:-) I have had so much fun with this baby wipe technique. Hugs..Nancy

  7. Nancy, your new header looks amazing, I love the clean lines and colours :)
    now onto your cards, the photo paper technique is so pretty and I always love the reveal. I can't wait to play at the retreat :)

  8. I absolutely adore your card Nancy... And your new blog header is so "You"...Love it!

  9. I’ve not tried baby wipes yet but yours turned out amazing. I always love your happy colors, Nancy. Love the whimsy of your new header too!

  10. Beautiful color DOx inks you’ve used to create your striking background, Nancy. Fabulous stencil work again and perfectly finished off with a white diecut sentiment. For some reason I thought glossy paper doesn’t work with this technique and you’ve proven otherwise. Gorgeous card. xx

  11. Love this, Nancy! Great colors and patterns! Love, love, love your new look! It suits you to a tee!

  12. Love the new watermark and signature too!

  13. Wonderful card Nancy....
    Really like the blog header- has so much impact! x

  14. Wonderful use of the baby wipe technique - I must try that again. Thanks for showing the photo with it half wiped off and half not - gives a great idea of the impact of the baby wipe. Beautiful colour choices too!

  15. Forgot to say, I love your new blog look - perfect for you! Aren't we lucky to have Loll as a friend!?

    1. We sure are, Susan. After seeing your new Perfect Blog look I just had to make my updated changes with Loll's help:-) See you soon my friend. Hugs..

  16. I had a bit of time on Thursday [while packing for a crafty day with a friend] to give this technique a try, Nancy! SO MUCH FUN!!! and your fun take on the technique is fabulous!!
    The new look? Tres chic, my friend! xx

  17. Pretty new updated header and design, Nancy! I love your beautiful baby wipe card, too! Very inspiring post! Can't wait to see you again soon!! Hugs, Dolly

  18. Fabulous stenciled background Nancy, the baby wipe technique on gloss is a real winner and gorgeous behind the white 'hugs' die cut sentiment.... great card

    1. I did notice that you had a new header Nancy - our friend Loll is amazingly talented.. love your colours and the design reminds me of the bokeh effect, I notice too the watermark signature... great to have a spring' update.... this year I decided to change my header flower photo every month :-) cheers Robyn

    2. Thank you Robyn...yes, Loll is amazingly talented:-) I have noticed your frequently new flower header photos. So pretty and inspiring. Hugs..Nancy

  19. I havent tried the glossy card/DOX inks yet but after seeing this I need to giv it a go.
    Lovely card, the colours are beautiful and the stenciling on the background looks so pretty.
    Love, love, love the new look to your blog, it suits you ..... Loll is amazing with her blog designs xx

    1. Thank you Linda. You would love this technique. I so agree, Loll is amazing and I loved your blog update by Loll too:-) Hugs..Nancy

  20. Such a fun technique and love the vibrancy after wiping the ATC with the baby wipe. Such an amazing background and then to use the stencil over it really makes it a mixed media work of art....I love it Nancy x.
    Talking of loving it .....your new header is fresh and contemporary and Loll has done a wonderful job and what a kind and generous lady she is and of course talented x. The signature and watermark are the most perfect finishes too x.

    1. Thank you Mac..I love my header too and the clean and fresh look of my blog. Hugs..Nancy

  21. Gosh, the baby wipe makes all the difference! Sometimes you might want the chalky look, sometimes not, but in this case it looks fabulous with. So bright and fresh. Love the double background behind the big "hugs"! Speaking of bright and fresh, your updates look great!

    1. Thank you my friend. Looking fresh, clean and beautiful outside too:-)

  22. such a lovely looking card mf....happy feeling.
    x Karen

  23. What a lovely colored and stencil background you created Nancy! The colors are so pretty and the white die cut hugs (we both used that this month!) really stands off the colors - interesting technique with the babywipes! sorry I'm so late commenting - I was on grandnephew and niece sitting duty for 5 days - am now back and trying to catch up on computer stuff as well as sleep! xx

  24. Fantastic background, love the effect of wiping the dox inks, makes such a change in the colours! The white sentiment really pops. I too noticed your bubbly new header, love it's ombre look. Loll is a guru in so many fields! Have a great week, Cathy x


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy