
Monday, October 22, 2018

CAS Watercolour Card October Challenge

Bonnie is hosting the CAS Watercolour Color Challenge:
Orange, Green and Brown.  Beautiful Fall Colors!

My card using Zig Clean Color Real Brush markers and water brush for watercoloring.

I used my NBUS Penny Black stamp, "Sparkler".  It is an open design,
so perfect for watercoloring with my Zigs and waterbrush.

I used my MISTI to stamp my image with versamark and then removed
and heat embossed with SU black Embossing Powder.

Now the fun coloring began...

I used Zigs yellow, then light orange and red waterbased inks,
moving and blending inks with my water brush.
Next I colored the leaf and stem with 2 shades of green.

Then I die cut my image with Penny Black Antique Frames Die.
Die cut a piece of orange fun foam with same die.
I was pleased how the fun foam gave a orange shadow effect to the main image.

Originally I meant this card to be a poinsettia Christmas card.
The image to me is a pretty generic looking flower that could fit many occasions.
I decided on a thinking of you occasion and sentiment.
Added Copper Stickles to the center of the flower and stamped sentiment.

I was very happy with the blending of the colors using Zigs and a water brush:-)

Whoops..I forgot to add brown,
so cut a small piece of heavy brown designer paper using the
Antique Frame die and grounded the flower in a pot.
Now my card follows all the challenge rules:-)

You have until the 24th to play along in the challenge.  Be sure and check out
all the gorgeous cards  by the DT and GD.  Hugs

Stamps: Penny Black "Sparkles" and "Happy Snippets".
Paper: Strathmore Mixed Media. SU Whisper White Thick card base.
Inks: Versamark.   Zig Clean Color Real Brush markers: Yellow, Bright Yellow, Scarlet Red, Pale Green and Light Green.  Coloring light to dark blending one petal at a time with water brush.
Accessories: Penny Black Antique Frame Die.  Fun Foam. Stickles Copper. SU water brush. 


  1. Beautiful CAS design, Nancy, and great use of the colours x

  2. This is BEAUTIFUL the colors you used and how beautifully you blended them! Love the orange shadow you got around the edges by using the orange fun foam too...very cool look! :0)

  3. love the clean crisp look of your colours on such a pretty stamp :)

  4. Great use of what I consider a Christmas stamp but you've used as a more generic card. Love how you used the CAS Watercolour colours.

  5. Beautiful and bright flower Nancy. Great blending with the zigs. This flower is definitely an "all year" flower. Love the dimension and just the slight shadow of orange from our popped up frame layer with orange foam. :) Great design, my friend! xx

  6. Nancy, this is pretty! I just love a splash of color against crisp white. I didn't think about the flower looking like a poinsettia until you mentioned it. It certainly could be, but, you're right, it's generic enough to be used any time of year. The little wooden pot is a clever afterthought for the brown, and I do like the hint of orange showing around the edges. It's a great card for any time of year!

  7. Loving the bright and vibrant flower and yes it can be any flower. Wonderful water colour effect and well remembered about the 'brown' pot x

  8. I love this bright and pretty fall flower, Nancy! I think it could be any of many kinds of flowers and I love poinsettias any time and of any color!

  9. What a beautifully painted flower Nancy... I love this!

  10. Wow, this flower is vibrant and happy. Zigs are great for that, they matched my happy zone.
    Your painting is truly beautifully done too. Special xx


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy