
Friday, June 15, 2018

CAS Mix Up June Reminder

Time for our CAS Mix Up Reminder June "Layered Embossing Powders" 
Challenge hosted by Loll.  You will be dazzled by all the gorgeous cards
by our DT and our awesome 
Guest Designer, Jane (Purplejet Loves Crafts)

Be sure and check out the inspiring video of different techniques too.

You have until the 24th to play along!

Here is my Encrusted Jewels Christmas trees card.

The Close up of the pretty trees.

The trees were created at our 2018 Retreat.  Here is my 1st card I made with Encrusted Jewel feathers. The trees on this card were made with the same technique using the Stampendous Encrusted Jewels: 4:43 You Tube video.

This technique is addicting.  It is endless the samples you can make and a great way 
to use up the many embossing powders and glittery embellishments most of us have.

I was happy to make a few pieces I can use for Christmas cards.

I placed my ARTplorations "Dot All Over" stencil over the area where I planned
to cut a window and then sponged with DOX Cracked Pistachio.
Next I die cut My Favorite Things "Rectangle Peek-a-Boo Window".

Then I watercolored the rectangle die cut piece using Kuretake Gansai Tambi 
blue shades.  Let dry and splattered with white acrylic diluted paint.
When snow dried I inset the background into window.

 I added SU mini dimensionals to the back of the trees and slipped them
under the window.   I added a few more snow flakes with my Signo White Gel Pen.

I stamped my STAMPlorations "Oh, Christmas Tree" sentiment in black and fussy cut.
Attached to card front.  Then popped up card front using foam adhesive and
attached to SU Whisper White Thick Card Base and Done!

I am adding my card to the June CAS Christmas Card Challenge Masculine, 
hosted by Christine (It's a card days night)

Also STAMPulations Never-Ending Anything Goes Challenge

Enjoy and Hugs...

Stamps: STAMPlorations "Oh, Christmas Tree!"
Paper: SU Whisper White Thick.
Inks: Distress Oxide, Cracked Pistachio for stenciled dots and blues for snow background.  Archival Jet Black.
Accessories: Electric grill, craft mat, parchment paper, EB powders and Glitters, palette knife. supplies for Penny Black "Evergreen Trees" die cut trees.  ARTplorations Dots All Over Stencil. TH Blending tool. SU mini dimensionals. 3M foam tape. My Favororite Things Rectangle Peek-a-Boo Window Die.


  1. You girls certainly had plenty of amazing pieces using this technique! I saw a photo on Darnell's blog this morning. Wow! Beautiful, fun, crafty Christmas card, Nancy! ps: We're off to eastern Oregon next week. Can't wait, but so busy getting ready.

    1. We could not stop creating pieces. Such a fun sparkly addicting technique:-) Have an awesome trip my friend. Hugs..

  2. Thank you for your comments dear friends. Hugs...

  3. Your trees are so beautiful and sparkly Nancy. It was a lot of fun experimenting with the technique together. :) Love the beautiful blue background with falling snow and your dotty stenciling. xx

  4. The encrusted jewel embossing is just lovely on your trees Nancy! so much color, sparkle and texture! love the green dots on the framing and snowfall sky behind! Julia xx

  5. Your trees are surreal, love that you repeated the green in your stencilling. The blue background truly makes those jewels stand out. Beautiful layout dear Nancy! xx

  6. Wow do I love the dimension on those trees, Nancy. They look fabulous and make me want to reach out and touch them. SO looks like I'm going to have to buy a griddle now after seeing all these fabulous cards.

  7. Love your jewel encrusted Christmas trees, Nancy! How elegant! Love the framing with the pretty snowy background! Fantastic card, my friend!

  8. Check out your 2nd hand store, hospice, etc for an electric griddle. It is such a creative and fun technique. Thanks for your comment my friend. Hugs

  9. Yes it is an addictive technique and I am loving it and you clearly are too x My pancake maker makes all the difference to keeping the powders molten etc and using up those hoarded powders, flakes etc. I thank you all for the inspiration of using your skillets/griddles etc x This technique of the encrusted jewels really lends itself to Christmas cards and I am loving your CAS Masculine card. The extra stencil work in the green looks great and your trees look amazing Nancy x

  10. Wonderful Christmas card, Nancy! You’ve highlighted these gorgeous sparkly encrusted trees fabulously. Great design with a beautiful background peeking through the window. Have a wonderful weekend. xx

  11. Your trees are FABULOUS Nancy!! So pretty and sparkly and look wonderful against your lovely blue background! Love the whimsical dots you added too...a perfect addition!! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! :0)

  12. Your encrusted jewel trees are fantastic, Nancy! They are so sparkly and the mix of the colors & fragments are wonderful. Adding the stenciled dots to the front panel this way is such a fresh idea. The dots echoes the white acrylic paint snow in the background. And how could you think of using Cracked Pistachio for the dots!? It's perfect! Thanks so much for adding your card to CAS Christmas, my friend! Hideko xx

    1. Thank you so much Hideko for your thoughtful comment. I thought Cracked Pistachio picked up one of the greens in the trees:-) LOVE this technique! Hugs..

  13. Nancy, what beautiful encrusted trees. I love all your layers from the beautiful snowy sky and the stenciling on the front. I love making these little jewels, it was so much fun. I think we are all hooked :)

    1. We sure are hooked! I got 2 Baked Textures from FJ and some foil. I have more supplies already that will be great for the technique:-) I got even more hooked at our retreat:-) We do have fun! Miss you..hugs.

  14. Your trees are beautiful, Nancy - fabulous layering of colours and textures!

  15. These are beautiful and so shiny. I'm so happy you gals shared this. Loved the pictures from the retreat.


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy