
Saturday, August 5, 2017

STAMPloration's Celebrating National Coloring Book Day

STAMPlorations has a new Coloring Book soon to be released.  Just in time to celebrate National Coloring Book Day:-)

My Bloomtangled Sample

I have STAMPlorations 1st coloring book, "Color Blooms".  That book is safe and sound in our camp trailer.  It is so fun and relaxing to sit and color when on vacation:-)

Shery provided a download with one 5" x 7" page of the book to print, color and then enter into her challenge.  I printed the coloring page on heavy copy paper and watercolored with my Zig markers.  I left the outer edges uncolored.  I have an idea for a finished card for Shery's next challenge.  The winner gets a copy of the new coloring book:-)

The challenge ends tomorrow night,  so just getting under the wire.  Enjoy...I sure enjoyed my relaxing few minutes of coloring.  Hugs..


  1. How lovely Nancy! and I agree - it is SO relaxing to sit and color!!

  2. Lovely colours - must have been so relaxing to sit and colour!

  3. so pretty, sounds heavenly to relax and colour

  4. Pretty coloring, Nancy!
    And a camping trailer! I'm jealous!! ;-)

  5. It makes a wonderfully colourful focal piece Nancy! Good job my friend! Have a great week! Luv & Hugs. Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  6. I love how you isolated just a part of the image. Pretty coloring! This type of image really appeals to me when it comes to coloring. Never tried a coloring book, at least not since I was a kid. Glad stamping came along after I grew up because I always loved coloring!

    1. I love using my Zigs on the coloring books. Perfect project when camping and have more relaxing time:-) Hugs


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy