
Friday, July 28, 2017

Rudolph Days Merriest Wishes

Finally getting into the mood to make Christmas Cards now that I have a stack of Alcohol Inks on Acetate Backgrounds. You will be seeing more of these backgrounds in the near future :-)  I need many more Christmas Cards.   I spent several hours yesterday playing with this technique with my twin,  Margie and childhood girlfriend, Sue.  We all finished the day with a stack of beauties :-)

My card is for the July Rudolph Days Challenge.  All the challenges are from the 25th of each month to the last day of each month.

Always Christmas Anything Goes !

I chose a 4" x 4" green Alcohol Ink Acetate Background with white tissue paper glued to back from my stash.  .  Then taped my ARTplorations "Holly Background" stencil over the Acetate with painters tape.  Used my palette knife to spread embossing paste thru the stencil.  Let dry completely.

Later in the day I die cut the center and popped up with fun foam.  Added a popped up stamped sentiment and glued the card front to a 4 1/4" x 4 1/4" card base.  Such a quick and easy card for the holidays.  Enjoy.

Stamps: SU Merriest Wishes (ret)
Paper: SU Thick Whisper White.  White Tissue Paper
Ink: Tim Holtz  Alcohol Inks.  Archival Black ink
Accessories: Acetate Sheet. Golden's Embossing Paste, Palette knife, fun foam, Alcohol Inks Acetate Background from my stash, SU Square die cuts.


  1. So creative and such an amazing background. The tissue technique has proved a winner and no more so than on this amazing card x

  2. LOVE your tissue background Nancy! Such a great backdrop for a fabulous Christmas card . . . Christmas . . . eeek! I better get started! Thank you for your visit today and your sweet comment! Have a great weekend my friend! Luv & Hugs. Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

    1. Your very welcome my friend. I love visiting your awesome blog. You always inspire me. Thank you for your sweet comment too. Hugs..

  3. This is a beautiful creative and wonderfully inky card. Loving the stencilled design here too!
    Thanks for taking part in the July Rudolph Days Challenge.

  4. WOW what a stunner and thanks for joining us at July's Rudolph Days Challenge, luv Sam x

  5. This is so pretty with the embossing paste holly, Nancy! A super Christmas card!

  6. I love the beautiful shades of green, Nancy! The white embossing texture adds the depth to the card. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your Alcohol Ink Acetate Background creations! Hideko :-)

  7. Cool card Nancy, love the technique

  8. Totally rich with color & contrast ... plus texture, Nancy! Wow!

  9. wow, look at all that texture and colour, Nancy, awesome card :)

  10. Love the texture from the embossing paste over your beautiful green background. Gorgeous! And great design with popping up the center panel. xx

  11. Great design, Nancy - love the embossed holly on the green, and then the wonderful little bit of red!

  12. Wow! That's one poppin' Christmas card! I love the green with the white holly leaves. So pretty!


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy