
Monday, November 7, 2016

Loll's 12 Tags of Christmas 2016..Season's Greetings

Today is Loll's Day One of her "Twelve Tags of Christmas with Loll and Friends" Event! This is Loll's 3rd Annual Event and is such a fun and inspiring way to get your Christmas Tags made up a head of the Christmas Rush.

Lots of layers on this tag...I started with a Tim Holtz  3" x 6 1/4" Manila tag.  Painting on 2 thick coats of Gesso, drying between coats.  Then using a ruler and pencil to draw a 1 1/2" x 3" rectangle.   Next I stamped my fir tree with Versamark and Heat Embossed with Vintage Verdigris EB powder.

I used Wet on Wet watercoloring with a #8 paint brush to add several layers of Distress Inks: Tea Dye, Walnut Stain and Black Soot.  When dry I used the same technique to add Distress Inks to my rectangle.

Next I masked my rectangle and stamped the snowflakes, sponged the edges of tag with Black Soot, added the Chevron ribbon, linen thread, wood snowflake and sentiments.

How long did this take...oh a couple of days as layers dried and I needed time to think about the next step.  I had plenty of other things to do between the steps,  so I did not mind!

The very last step....hurray!  Snow flake splatters with diluted white acrylic paint using a paint brush.

Jill Foster's One Layer Stamping and Painting Video for Penny Black was very helpful for my watercoloring technique.

Enjoy and hope you get to play along with Loll and Friends Tag Event.  You have until November 25th to join the fun with your tags.  Hugs.....

Card Recipe
Stamps: SU Serene Snowflakes and Evergreen (ret). STAMPlorations  Oh, Christmas Tree sentiment
Inks: Tim Holtz Distress Inks: Tea Dye, Walnut Stain, Black Soot, Spiced Marmalade, Barn Door, Mowed Lawn and..a few more I'm! SU Early Espresso for snowflakes and sentiment.
Accessories: Tim Holtz Manila Tag, paint brushes, Golden's Gesso, SU Chevron ribbon, linen thread, wooden snowflake (ret) and EB paste (way retired).  SU Fine Tip Glue Pen.  Craft Sheet, sponge dauber
Techniques: Watercoloring Wet on Wet,  Heat EB, One Layer Stamping and Painting, masking, sponging


  1. Nancy, this is awesome! Aren't these fun! I love all the layers on this one as well as your gorgeous colors!

  2. Wow, Nancy! I love all the textures! So many mixed media techniques all on this one tag! Love the delicate stamped snowflakes, the painted and embossed trees and the extra texture and dimension with the wooden snowflake!

  3. Love the earthy look to your background Nancy. So amazing that the background and beautiful rectangle are just one layer. Adding the shading around the outside edges of the rectangle really makes it look like it's another layer. Lots of awesome details with your die-cut tree, snowflakes and splattering. Thanks so much for joining me at my Twelve Tags of Christmas Event! xx

  4. Fab tag, Nancy! I love the vintage verdigris embossing on the tree!

  5. Love the gesso background and your wonderful drawn rectangle - great colors on that and your embossed tree Nancy! Julia xx

  6. Wow-lots of work and time invested in this one. It was so worth it (at least for those of us who get to admire it). It sounds silly, but I really like the way you tied off the chevron ribbon with the linen thread. That, and the wooden snowflake and the distressed look give it an "organic" feel.

  7. Nancy, that's quite the background. I'm going to have to do this step by step. Looks awesome.

  8. Love the rustic feel to this - perfect for the wooden snowflake!

  9. Hi Nancy,
    what a very wonderful tag and such super work involved with creating this.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  10. Oh WOW! the watercolor rectangle is such a neat touch on this tag, and enjoyed reading the technique process. Took quite a lot of patience (AND skill). Love the way you've masked to add the snowflakes and the beautiful green tree. It's very pretty. TFS


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your much appreciated comments! Hugs....Nancy